Could be film of the century for me.


It's based on Thermopylae too, which adds to the awesomeness by a factor of 10.
I haven't heard of this film, prob cause I don't watch alot of TV.

It looks amazing, I know it will be better than recent movies such as Troy, or Alexander which I found to be lacking.
Well, yeah - they were quite bad. The main charge of historical inaccuracy didn't even level them (and they were quite inaccurate!), it turned out to be half-assed film making!

I quite enjoyed Troy, but Alexander was terrible. The problem was that both stories could have been epic, and they weren't. The story of Ilium and its sacking should have been endlessly better.

However, some poetic licence is required, so I *could* deal with the cutting out of the Gods - despite it being central to the story - but the movie was still bad.

The story of Alexander and his inner duel with Medism, nevermind his conquering of the Greek and Persian worlds in such a short period of time, could have made one of the best movies ever. Instead Stone made a flat movie, filled with boring stars.

All in All, the classical world has been hard done by in recent years.