31.10.2008 Den Bosch (NL) - W2

that's in the name I guess

I remember Mathias from Finntroll getting pissed off at some stagediver and pushing him back into the crowd :lol:

but well, they didn't have any Hertog Jan at all in W2 :erk:
but well they had Palm... totally rulez too :D

back when they played manchester academy last year, there was no barrier, so crowdsurfers were literally pushed on stage, then either stage dived, or got dragged off by roadies. So one guy crowdsurfs right over me, lands sideways on the stage and manages to knock over two microphones. cue me and the guy next to me lunging wildly, stopping the microphone stands from falling, then me trying to reposition the microphone in front of Lisko's mouth with he's trying to sing and laugh at me simultanously! Just no gratitude, pish! amusing though :p
some videos:



ONE MORE(still laughing ´bout one particular scene^^)
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finally someone put videos online,was already fearing that there´d be no vids on that gig...*thinking back*