35 Years Of Metal


Feb 16, 2014
United States
Greets everyone.

Just wanted to say hello. Always glad to hang out with some fellow metalheads.

Been a metalhead most of my life. I can remember having Iron Maiden cassettes before I was 10 years old. I remember that it was the cool album covers that grabbed my interest at first, but then the music set roots into me.... This was back in the Piece Of Mind, Number Of The Beast Years.

I then moved to Florida and my musical interest was on the backburner until 9th grade, Freshman year. It was Judas Priest, specifically the tune Love Bites, that re-kindled my musical interests.

In 10th grade I joined Columbia House and my music collection began to grow. Maiden, Priest, Ozzy, Ratt, Twisted Sister, Scorpions, motley Crue, etc, etc, I started getting it all.

Then in 1986, I picked up Slayer - Reign In Blood. I discovered the huge world of thrash and speed metal. This was the music I was born to play my air guitar to..., haha.

Bands like Kreator, Dark Angel, Exodus, Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Heathen, Possessed, Whiplash, Virus, and many, many more, became my music preference.

In '87 I joined the US Army and was shipped off to Germany in January of '88. The next 2 and a half years were the best years in my heavy metal life. I saw so many shows and bought so many thrash albums, I was in metal heaven!

It's now 25 years later and I am still a dedicated metalhead. I listen to a lot more Power Metal these days but I always have my old school thrash in my mix.

Bands I listen to the most these days...

Manowar, Iced Earth, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Possessed, Kreator, Gamma Ray, Helloween, Accept, Slayer, Destruction, and Heathen.

I usually just go for a big shuffle, where I have all of my favorite tunes in the mix.

Metal Forever!!!