3d shit


Black Metal Jihad
Dec 25, 2004
The Internets
I was sick last week and did pretty much nothing exept play WoW (my friend forced me and it was suddenly fun again), Final Fantasy 7 and doodle arond in 3dsmax. I ended up with this character that I decided to work more on and would like some input if any of you guys know anything about the subject.
The horns are temporary, Im gonna make them in flames somehow but haven't gotten that far yet. The skin color is a temporary non textured thing because theres no point in making the tex before the geometry if finished.





Its actually not that bad. You used good software to make that. Have u ever tried phtoshop..You could probally make some good effect for that character in there.
I use photoshop for textures, but at the moment I dont have a tablet so I won't go there untill I get a new one which should be the Wacom Intuos 3 A5.
My Graphire 2 A6 called it the day a couple months back :(

edit: Graphire 3 A6
Hell Raiser said:
Its actually not that bad. You used good software to make that. Have u ever tried phtoshop..You could probally make some good effect for that character in there.
you have the most emo fucking signature ever.

that looks pretty cool panzer, i could never do that shit...
Ahh.. That sux..But overall the design on it looks good..Aproximentally how long did it take u to make?
Hell Raiser said:
Ahh.. That sux..But overall the design on it looks good..Aproximentally how long did it take u to make?

Well I started off with a rough low poly "sketch" (I didn't use any reference for this character) to get the basic shapes done, and then I moved on to detailing it. I guess i have spent 10 hours or so, but then again I havent used 3dstudio since like last summer or something.

Here are some in-progess shots, the first one is the basic idea but i dropped the fro and made him horns instead.




Tut Ankh Amon said:
you rock man :headbang:
i posted some 3d shit here AGES ago too, but i hope you don't find it cause i've been pwn3d enough :D

Dig it up nigga!

h'Heres a couple small updates. The horns are gonna be flames and not lame orange things but this is the shape im aiming for.


looks very nice, you just need to remove that joint line on his nose and neck
FallingDownInRuins said:
looks very nice, you just need to remove that joint line on his nose and neck

the line is there because i work with two seperate mirrored objects that change equally. when it's close to done I weld them together and make do the rest from there, issymetry, textures etc
Turbo said:
Id love to know how to do stuff like that.:OMG:

If you have no social life like Profanity but spend your time trying to figure out how the hell 3dsmax works instead of makinf 30.000+ completely useless posts you'll eventually get there. I did that, but since I have friends it took longer time than Profanity would use.