How i make a fan 3D video of the Belarusian metal band Aillion


New Metal Member
Sep 17, 2020
I don’t know if I’ll find my audience here, but I decided to share the process of creating a video for my favorite group, while I am burning with this idea. In any case, I need to somehow distract myself and sort my thoughts on the shelves, otherwise I've been sitting on this idea for several days. I've been listening to Aillion for a long time. True, I do not like everything that the group is releasing now, and one album passed me by altogether, but once they released just a classic for me. Album "War of the Worlds". If suddenly someone did not listen, I highly recommend it. I listen with pleasure and get high. Balm for the ears. Some tracks after this album also came in and were even not very bad works, but in general, the group changed the genre a little, began to play somehow harder, harder, but for my ear it is not quite. Nevertheless, with this group I have very fond memories. Plus, they are my fellow countrymen, so I decided to do it for them, because I want to support them, at least morally.

In general, I decided to make a video in 3D, and at the same time learn to work in this direction, because before that, I almost did not deal with 3D animation. The idea was born gradually and even now changes a little. I decided to show in the video various instruments (guitars, combo, drums) in different styles and locations with references to albums or specific clips, and then put them together in the final shot. Like this is what Aillion looks like to a fan.

Well, I'll show you the stage of blocking scenes, when the scenes are just being assembled and can change a lot later. Even conceptually. But as a rule, the essence remains the same. I will not show you all the shots, because some are still very raw (if suddenly there is a person who will be interested to know what happened next, I will write another article and post the rest of the shots).

There is such a frame in my video. Its idea is in reference to the "Era of Black Mirrors" album. To be honest, I liked this album less than the others, but the idea came to it very quickly. But go and try to come up with something for "War of the Worlds", and even something that would be easy for a beginner to realize :) I decided to show drums in this scene, because their parts can be thrown around quite well and it can fit well into the shards of glass flying all over the place.


The next shot I decided to dilute the video and show not just another tool, but fan art. I visited the band at their recording studio and saw many interesting fan works there. Mostly posters. Even funny stickers were made. Anyway, fan work is to some extent even part of the group. It cannot be imagined that a group could exist without fans and fan work. Anyway, there is a community. So you need to show (or at least just declare) a couple of fan art in the frame. And the fans will even be pleased.


I also have a frame with old TV and VHS tapes. This is due to the group's love to shoot these same TVs in videos :) But first of all, this is a reference to the video for the song "move on". Incidentally, I really liked it. And the clip shows the Belarusian realities of today quite harshly and practically without censorship. I don’t know how this work has collected only 12 thousand views, it should collect more. Anyway. So, in this frame, on a TV set similar to the ones they burned in the video, I want to include frames from the same video, and place the album covers of the group on cassettes.

Well, the final shot. It seems strange to me in its current form and I don't even know how to fix it yet, but it conveys the essence. Everything that we have seen before, all the instruments, pedals, combo boxes (fan art must also be added to the TV set), all this accumulates in this frame. This is Aiilion through the eyes of a fan :)

P.S. I deleted the final frame. I'd better redo it somehow and throw down an option that looks more like the truth.