4- or 8-track home tape recorder?


disco my arse!
May 24, 2001
Belgrade, Serbia
could you recommend me some 4- or 8-track tape recorder to plug my guitar into and record some demo stuff, like basic ideas etc? (something to do overdubs on riffs etc?)

i know there are many programs on pc for that.. but i hate pc's, just don't trust the damn things, and it is too much of a hassle for me, i'd just like to plug n' play into some cheap shit..

and it would be easier for me to record on tape first and then transfer from trape to pc afterwards than to rely on pc while playing..

i know mike and blakkheim used to do such stuff before, do you mayne remember which tape recorders they used if mike ever posted anything about this?
I've been using a Boss BR-532 digital 4 track. It's a good piece of gear, but I'm going to be selling it soon, as I'm moving to computer-based home recording. I need to have more flexibility with creating drum tracks, using MIDI, and mixing (most importantly). I've been doing what you're talking about, transferring the recording to computer from the BR, but it's sort of become tiresome for me.

I should have a listing on ebay by the end of the month. If you're interested in buying it, pm me. To hear what it sounds like, click on the link to my music in my sig. All done with the BR. No amps were used in the recording.

BTW, I think Mike used the next one up from the BR-532, iirc.
I wouldn't recommend a tape recorder, seeing as cd recorder have become fairly affordable nowadays.

Listnening to Soundave's recordings, i'd say a recorder like his might be sensible if you're just looking to do simple stuff. Also look into Zoom recorders - i have the Zoom 16 track, but they do an 8 track version which you can buy a CD or USB input for it i do believe. The effects aren't stunning, but if you're looking for something to formulate ideas it's perfectly good.
I wouldn't recommend a tape recorder, seeing as cd recorder have become fairly affordable nowadays.

Listnening to Soundave's recordings, i'd say a recorder like his might be sensible if you're just looking to do simple stuff. Also look into Zoom recorders - i have the Zoom 16 track, but they do an 8 track version which you can buy a CD or USB input for it i do believe. The effects aren't stunning, but if you're looking for something to formulate ideas it's perfectly good.

I have Zoom's 4-track recorder. It sucks because it's only 4 tracks (you can bounce them together, but still) and because it saves onto a card. I forgot what type of card it is, but it's a type that is not really used anymore. I don't think they even make them over 256mb. But if it's just to record ideas, this might be the solution you're looking for. I just record onto my computer nowadays. It's MUCH easier and better.
My friend had a weird 8 track thing from them.. Which was utter bollocks because we honestly did not know how in hell to get the tracks off of the recorder onto a cd or computer!