
It seem that you swallow books!:rock:
You now reading His lyrics or novels, I may advice you to read novel "The Shot" and an epic one "Captain's Daughter"-it's realy amaising to compare young and old generaton of nobleman in Россия, and how they act themself's in a critical situation when you must decide whether to preserve your life and betray assertory to Queen, or act to nobleman's credit and of cause love and faith:waah::Saint:
I'm now reading Novikov G.N. "theory of international relations" and Theodor Gladkov "Mysteries of 3rd raich secret services"
You know, there is still no release of Watershed in Россия.:erk:
We are tired to wait.
Do you know any other Rus.bands like Tractor Bowling(very good female cleargrowl vocs, good drums, a little bit dry but still), Rossamahaar(ortodox black), Horned Necrocanibals(the most stupid, unprofessional and posing band I've ever seen:Puke:), I may advice you to get Rakoth cd Planeshift or Arcanar(any)

I've already read The Shot. In fact I've read all five of the Belkin stories. I've got the complete Prose tales of Pushkin and Eugene Onegin. Those are what I'm going to work on next.
I haven't heard those bands you mentioned.
I did not know that Watershed was not out in Россия yet. I'm not a big Opeth fan myself... my friend actually just burned me a copy of that album so I'll be getting to it soon. :Saint:
I've already read The Shot. In fact I've read all five of the Belkin stories. I've got the complete Prose tales of Pushkin and Eugene Onegin. Those are what I'm going to work on next.
I haven't heard those bands you mentioned.
I did not know that Watershed was not out in Россия yet. I'm not a big Opeth fan myself... my friend actually just burned me a copy of that album so I'll be getting to it soon. :Saint:

Maybe there was release in Moscow, but we live tooooooooooo far from it so we get novelties much later then others:(
What are you main preferences in music?
Maybe there was release in Moscow, but we live tooooooooooo far from it so we get novelties much later then others:(
What are you main preferences in music?

Classical music and metal are my main musical passions though I love classic rock, Jazz, Classical Indian music, 80's pop music, etc.
Actually I'm listening to Watershed right now.
There is a woman in my class who is from Siberia. She moved to America eight years ago and couldn't speak a word of English... she speaks English now of course.
Classical music and metal are my main musical passions though I love classic rock, Jazz, Classical Indian music, 80's pop music, etc.
Actually I'm listening to Watershed right now.
There is a woman in my class who is from Siberia. She moved to America eight years ago and couldn't speak a word of English... she speaks English now of course.

Really, I've played in Jazz band for some period, also I like Seal, Skatman John, class. rock too Slade, Smoky, Uriah Heep, Jetro Tull, Europe and lots of others, but it's when I'm tired of metal. At the vary beginning, the band I’m playing in, compose soft-art rock songs. But then, I guess, there become lack of musical space within that direction so we came step by step to prog dead or threash:rock:, I don’t know how to identify:rolleyes:. Soon I’ll put few tracks on mySpace and I’ll ask you and others to comment, if it will be interesting.
So how is Watershed
Hey, does your friend from Siberia posts here on forum; if not, can you give me her e-mail, if she doesn’t mind of cause; it’s good to have countryman everywhere. She left Siberia for a better fate?:Smokedev:
Yesterday there was a GREAT STORM on Baikal. We went cycling with our band and fall into storm on a road back home. Lightning stroke the power transmission pole near us, and the whole cable passage was burned in moment (19-thread cable), the power transmission pole itself was red-hot. I’ve been in a lots of trips with different weather conditions, but I’ve never was in such situation. Delight, idolism of Baikal’s power and no fear, really:kickass:. It’s a pity that there were no camera, such events may be good material for creating a video to any muztrack.
I wanna ask a question, you prefer read only fiction, what about analytics and political writings Frencis Fukuyama “End of History”, Hans Morgentau
Really, I've played in Jazz band for some period, also I like Seal, Skatman John, class. rock too Slade, Smoky, Uriah Heep, Jetro Tull, Europe and lots of others, but it's when I'm tired of metal. At the vary beginning, the band I’m playing in, compose soft-art rock songs. But then, I guess, there become lack of musical space within that direction so we came step by step to prog dead or threash:rock:, I don’t know how to identify:rolleyes:. Soon I’ll put few tracks on mySpace and I’ll ask you and others to comment, if it will be interesting.
So how is Watershed
Hey, does your friend from Siberia posts here on forum; if not, can you give me her e-mail, if she doesn’t mind of cause; it’s good to have countryman everywhere. She left Siberia for a better fate?:Smokedev:
Yesterday there was a GREAT STORM on Baikal. We went cycling with our band and fall into storm on a road back home. Lightning stroke the power transmission pole near us, and the whole cable passage was burned in moment (19-thread cable), the power transmission pole itself was red-hot. I’ve been in a lots of trips with different weather conditions, but I’ve never was in such situation. Delight, idolism of Baikal’s power and no fear, really:kickass:. It’s a pity that there were no camera, such events may be good material for creating a video to any muztrack.
I wanna ask a question, you prefer read only fiction, what about analytics and political writings Frencis Fukuyama “End of History”, Hans Morgentau

:lol: I don't get the impression she is into metal.... I don't even know her actually... all I know is she is from Siberia.
As far as non-literature stuff I'm interested in religion, history, science, philosophy, etc. Not so much politics though.
:lol: I don't get the impression she is into metal.... I don't even know her actually... all I know is she is from Siberia.
As far as non-literature stuff I'm interested in religion, history, science, philosophy, etc. Not so much politics though.

What kind of history and what religion? I'm member of Siberian Club of Historical Modeling, that called СКИФ(SKIF) in russian: European history(Germany) and Russian before 12 century-culture,folklore,armour,fencing
Ask her mail,pls:Smokedev:
What kind of history and what religion? I'm member of Siberian Club of Historical Modeling, that called СКИФ(SKIF) in russian: European history(Germany) and Russian before 12 century-culture,folklore,armour,fencing
Ask her mail,pls:Smokedev:

any history actually... i find pre-history especially ineteresting... i'm very well read in Christianity (Orthodoxy especially) but I'm interested in all religions at least from an academnic point of view... i like thinking and reading about philosophy and spiritual ideas (both skeptical and non-skeptical).
What Semargl are you talking about?
Is there any other one beside the ukrainian one?

I think you are a little bit inattentive. I know the band you are talking about, but if you didn't mention I've wrote about Siberian band called SemarglЪ (СемарглЪ in Russian varient)with a specific letter at the end of the word, which identify just our band, not the ukrainian one:Smug:
Is it clear,Neurotica:goggly:
but I'm interested in all religions at least from an academnic point of view.
You are culturologiest? I've graduated from historical facuty of Irkutsk State University, so it may be alot to discuss concerning religion and philosophy

2 neurotica: в чем проблема? :Smug: никто не претендует на ваш семаргл, тем более, что они пишут название на английком, тем более, что мы, допустим, написали свое сознательно с ошибкой и добавили твердый знак, чтобы избежать таких проблем.Если ты не знала, то данное слово пишеться через "и", тк произошло от имени иранской огненной птицы Симург. Если есть вопросы, пиши:rolleyes:
Carey, а кто сказал, что есть проблемы? Вроде еще не возникало. Я не читала весь разговор, потому, увидев первый пост, решила уточнить. В моем вопросе нет претензии. Потому выключи надменность, она здесь не втему.
Спасибо за ответ.
Carey, а кто сказал, что есть проблемы? Вроде еще не возникало. Я не читала весь разговор, потому, увидев первый пост, решила уточнить. В моем вопросе нет претензии. Потому выключи надменность, она здесь не втему.
Спасибо за ответ.

Все понял, извиняюсь:Saint:
Как я понял тебя Алина зовут и ты барабанишь.:rock:
Очень приятно:kickass:
Как я понял тебя Алина зовут и ты барабанишь.:rock:
Очень приятно:kickass:
Так и есть.
I'm learning the Russian alphabet now... it's fun! :Saint: I'm slowly learning how to pronounce Russian words... some of it is hard... :blush: