
like the girls name "alexia" except just say a-lexi "lie-ho"
You, Americans, are always having so big problems while pronouncing the non-english words ;) Maybe you should try this page:

Finnish names

You'll find the name "Aleksi" in the "Male names" (Aleksi = Aleksi) and "Laiho" in the "Last names" list. Click on it and you'll hear the correct ppronunciation. :)
I hope it will be usefull....
I'm stupid, but I hear Bodom pronounced very differently ALWAYS. On live bootlegs, cds, and the rare occasion I find someone here that likes them, people.

Is it like "Boe Dome", Boo Doom, Bawdome, or What?! IM CONFUSED AS FUCK!
Well, considering the English Alphabet to pronounce single words, LAIHO is pronounced LI-HO (the H isn't an optional!!!) and Bodom is pronounced Bodom exactly as it is written (try it here: http://www.mikropuhe.com/demo.asp?f=6252318035114)
U may also want to check cob members' names at that freakin link which has already been posted in this very thread, dammit.
Ooops, sorry DualMuso. I hadn't read your post carefully enough, so I took you for an American. Stupid me :mad: I hope you will forgive me :rolleyes:
By the way, this site with names is really cool. I found it while searching for the online finnish course. Maybe someone can reccomend me any good pages?...
yeah, it wud be interesting since i cannot find any decent finnish grammar book (either for italians or for english people) and i lost all the links i had bout finnish grammar....
Originally posted by ~Casse~
"Lie-Ho" ? :lol: Almoust every Finnish word is pronounced as it is written. So pronounce Laiho as "Laiho". So simple ;)

I hope that you're really joking, 'cause if you aren't, I have to say to you:
Don't you understand that in any language the words are pronounced "as they are written", but the basic pronouncing differs a lot. Okay, English has sometimes different types of pronouncing in words that looks a bit same, but primarily they are pronounced "as they are written".

Hopefully this was not too confusing :)
LAIHO is pronounced LI-HO ?! It's pronounced LAI-HO ! God damnet :lol: I get it what you were saying Scy and it's true but..
If you look a Finnish word you don't need instructions to pronounce it (I mean if you are a finn!!) but if you look some English word you mayby need instructions.

This too was confusing :)