
i understand how u pronounce it as written, but the problem is that he doesnt know how it "sounds" so i simply wrote "lie-ho", because quite frankly, thats the simplest, quickest answer, and thats how it sounds (of course not including complicated pronounciation or accents).
hahhaha!! ~Casse~ is right.... i am learning Finnish and every letter has pretty much the same pronounciation. THAT is what Casse means... in english we have all these messed up things where when you pair it with another letter the pronounciation changes and ONLY sometimes and well... if you don't speak english as a first language it is VERY confusing. like "where, wear" "there, they're their"

And ALSO tell me that the pronounciation of the "i" in the word DIE is the same as in the word DISASTER or SKI

NO THEY ARE NOT. you see english is very stupid that way, Finnish is not. And also what are you doing arguing with a Finn about finnish pronounciation? :lol: