5 after the pub things

5. like to myself :D

1. using different manners to move body mass than ordinary walking
2. be fascinated by disco balls
3. end up in weird pubs for a pee
4. sing along loudly with u2
5. end up in conversations with boxing champs
1 chippy
2 hunt for more booze
3 stereo on a bit loud
4 buy something stupid on eBay
5 exploring tv channels and then unsuccesful wank
6 fall asleep
next day. camomille tea or beer.
1. Go to a diner for eggs and hashbrowns
2. Bobbing my head to any music, even shitty music.
3. Peeing in a bar bathroom, only to have some drunk chick banging on the door, yelling "I have to pee too, hey get out..." Never fails
4. My friends and I showing up at above mentioned diner and acting like obnoxious imbeciles.
5. Sometimes remembering to drink water before I go to bed so my hangover isn't as bad.
One of my first cinema experiences was E.T. and I was crying, boohoo, I was like 9, and I really had to take a piss afterwards but we had already come out of the movie, so I tried to take a yellow behind some bush or something and I COULDN'T :/

By the time I got home I had died.
If I've been on real ale, especially in this pub called the ship,(they have a Worzel Gumidge mannequin)...then it's
1. fall over, trying to get undressed>laughing
2. Wake up after the night terrors, having had two hours sleep
3. 20 mins later wake up with room spinning after more night terrors
4. 20 mins later wake up again, dry mouth
....this goes on for a while
5. wake up and fell like someone has my stomach in their hands, shaking it, (don't push too hard you have my stomach in your hands)

fin o_O
post pub:
hang around outside boozer for rest of posse
blindly follow posse to wherever they're going
get turned away from a number of late establishments
realise that its 3:00 am
realise that youre cold and hungry and everyone wants to go home now

post all that

1) try to find chipper, try not to notice how pissed you are under fluorescent glare of said chipper
1) walk two miles trying to find taxi
2) when taxi is found strike up firm friendship with driver (this might just be me)
3) say goodbye to your new best mate, enter gaff
4)drink milk water coke and any other liquid available
5) put kettle on
6)put kettle on again
7) bring cup of tea up to bed
8) crash out..leaving you to wonder the next morning why the FUCK you keep making tea you'll never drink when you're pissed
It does usually differe it depends on who's house I fall into?

1.fall through front door
2.fall into laundry basket trying to get changed
3.feed claire feed me make a brew that never gets drunk
4.wonder how the fuck I got this drunk
5.Go to bed either fully dressed/ fully dressed minus me belt/or in unmatching pyjamas