He missed the biggest part of ppl. Unless they dont exist overhere. The bunch off ppl that is there to stare. Too lazy or too shy to move. Not even moving their head a little bit. They probably have nice long hair, but keep it in a ponytail all time. They are just there cause they like the music, but not to have a good time. I am pretty sure some bands can confirm this it happens alot here. Ones i hate most is those who just dont give a fuck who is on stage. A bunch of friends who just stand near the moshpit, holding a beer, blabering to eachother and getting pissed off when a mosher hits em (by accident). And he also forgot the tall friends. Belong to the staring ppl. They are taller then the average, move into the "headbangzone" after the band played a couple of songs, they just park themselve 1/2m in front of you. Because they are standing so still, they dont feel comfy, and sorta move like 1cm per minute backwards. They dont even notice youre coughing in the back of their neck on purpose, while you even use extra spit. A way to loose those guys is to actually push forward abit.