5150 Clip With Drums: Arch Enemy - Dark Of The Sun

Nice slimy guitar sound! I like it very much. Drums are very thin, though. Especially the snare... maybe a little more cutting EQ as opposed to boosting is needed.

Nice slimy guitar sound! I like it very much. Drums are very thin, though. Especially the snare... maybe a little more cutting EQ as opposed to boosting is needed.


Thanks man! Someone else just made the drum track for me, so I didn't really mess with it at all. Not the best, but not terrible.
Tone sounds great to me, just obviously missing that low end from a bass, and yeah the snare needs some more crack, and the overheads need to be a fair bit louder imo.
I like the guitars a lot but why are the left and the right sides so radically different in the amount of mids? I'd balance it a bit.