5150 combo clip posted here earlier?


New Metal Member
Sep 23, 2004
Pig's Eye
Hi there,

I found this clip at the HC amp forum and it was apparently posted here by whomever recorded it. I was told it was an EMG 81 equipped strat into a stock 5150 combo. I'd just like to know if anyone could tell me if the speakers were stock or if they were replaced with something else and how it was recorded (mics, etc). This, to me is perfect tone, and I'd love to know the details on the tracking. Thanks for any help.

I think 006 posted this when I asked about 5150 combo and yes he rules! :)

Oh, the speakers were stock and the pickup was an EMG of some kind I think. I don't remember the fiddle.
Actually, that one was me. Mexican Strat with 81 at the bridge, stock 5150 combo, single SM57 straight on-axis up against the grille, and way too much EQ (18-20 bands worth, I forget). I can dig up the thread it was on if you want to know the amp settings.
Yeah, I was kinda perusing through the threads to find it, but couldn't. I was kinda wondering if there was some post EQ going on too. It sounds like the low mids are being cut and that there's some boost right around 1.75khz? Not sure, but if that thread is still around, that would be cool to check it out. Thanks!
No problem man, here you go.


No boost at all, actually, there's just a big spike around 2k in the stock 5150 speakers. I like it, some hate it, just a matter of preference, I guess. I think it gives it a distinct and instantly recognizable character. I'm thinking of getting a Mesa cab, probably the oversized Recto cab, to balance the tone out a bit. All the 5150 through oversized Mesa cab clips I've ever heard have sounded really good. I can find you a thread with some clips of that setup and several others as well, if you'd like... Matt Smith did a cab shootout here a while back with a Krank Revolution and a 5150 through a Krank cab and 2 different Mesa cabs, and it's great for comparisons.
Disconnekt said:
No problem man, here you go.


No boost at all, actually, there's just a big spike around 2k in the stock 5150 speakers. I like it, some hate it, just a matter of preference, I guess. I think it gives it a distinct and instantly recognizable character. I'm thinking of getting a Mesa cab, probably the oversized Recto cab, to balance the tone out a bit. All the 5150 through oversized Mesa cab clips I've ever heard have sounded really good. I can find you a thread with some clips of that setup and several others as well, if you'd like... Matt Smith did a cab shootout here a while back with a Krank Revolution and a 5150 through a Krank cab and 2 different Mesa cabs, and it's great for comparisons.

I ran across that thread actually. A lot of these threads make their way to Harmony Central for some odd reason. I dunno, the v30s seem a little harsh overall, but don't get me wrong, I think they can sound very good in a band setting -- I guess just not for me. As I posted earlier, that clip of yours is exactly what I've been looking for tonewise. I've been trying to figure out where to go with speakers for my 5150 head and had settled on some Celestion V12-60s, but was still thinking about some 75s. Now, I'll have to reconsider the Sheffields -- the real test is that I'd be tossing them into two old Jackson 4x12s which are front loaded cabs, but I'm thinking it's worth a shot. Honestly, that clip is just phenomenal; very Studio Fredman-esque (hopefully that isn't a bad thing around here?!) Thanks again for all your help!

Thanks for that link too, the EQ talk is really helpful -- that is something that is hard to come by at the HC amp forum, so it's very much appreciated.
aria- cleanse your souls in the waters of lake minnentonka (cp: dave chapelle).

the harm cent amp forum IS satan in the form of words and community.
You're welcome, glad it helped! It never ceases to amaze me what an amazing value the 5150 is in the world of amps. One of the cheapest and one of the best.
i missed the previous thread but man that's a killer tone to me ...
also was thinking of those 5150 combo's they are not too expensive anymore
but got some killer tones though
EtherForBreakfast said:
aria- cleanse your souls in the waters of lake minnentonka (cp: dave chapelle).

the harm cent amp forum IS satan in the form of words and community.

Haha! yeah, HC can be quite a circus.
I saw my name...whats going on? Lol jk. Nice tone. Yeah I have a 5150 combo also, I love that thing to death. It's one of the most versatile amps in my collection so far, I can use it for anything that requires a distorted tone. Much like my Dual Recto. My Engl however has only been able to prove itself for the heavier things. Oh well, at least it does it amazingly well, hehe.
