5150 combo problem

May 17, 2007
so I got my 5150 combo retubed, cus the preamp tubes were microphonic.
preamp: 4x tung sol, 1x TAD premium tube
poweramp: 2x sovtek (were put in just before I bought it, a month ago)

the guy at the amp store told me some kind of premium tube would be better for the first slot, so I let him choose one.

Now I got it back and it sounds like shit! So I put the TAD prem. in the 4.slot and a tung sol in the 1. Ok, sounds better. but after like a minute or so things start to get muddy, like really flabby. when I play a low e-chord it just sounds like mush. If I turn of the amp, wait an hour till it cools off, then it sounds good again, for about a minute. WTF?
and for a normal "metal" sound, I have to turn up the pregain to 8 on the rhythm channel, is this normal!?
ps: I don`t have a balanced tube in the phase inverter pos., does this matter?
Take it back to that douche and tell him what's going on with it.

Not normal... When I had my 6505, the pre-gain was on 3-4 and it was fuckin gain up the ass. Take it back and tell him that you want new toooobz.
Rythm channel gain on 8 is pretty common, I always have the knob around 7 or something, although 4 or 5 is normal gain settings for the lead channel.
But I think you still have a problem, you should go back to the guy and explain what's wrong, maybe you can record samples ?
so I talked to the guy at the store and he had no fuckin clue. I`m afraid it already sounded like that before I got it retubed, since I`ve only had it for a few weeks, and I only played on low volume at home and only lead channel. I thought the rhythm channel suckt anyways...

well anyhow I`m gonna make some clips, directly after turning it on and after 10min
I got me two JJs (didnt have the money for 5). HAHAHAHAHHAA! fuck those tung sols! if you want a tight sound, forgettem!!

now this is my tube placement:
v1 - JJ
v2 - stock
...all stock

v2 makes a major difference too btw! tried different placements, but this is how it sounds best.

does anyone know what stock tubes where in a 5150 combo? the tubes don`t have an imprint on them. svetlanas? stock still sounds the best

I`ll be making clips and impulses, as soon as my engl cab arrives, hehe! MERRY XMAS FUCKERS