5150 Combo hiss...


Supreme Master of Nothing
Sep 10, 2007
Just curious...how can I check to see if the caps need replacing? Compared to my Mesa, the 5150 combo has much more hiss. I just retubed the entire thing...same hiss... :(
Might be your settings. My friend's 5150 would hiss no matter what, so we had to slap a noise suppressor in the FX loop. Shut the thing right up. I think it might be dust in your circuitry. Do you keep your combo covered when you're not using it?
Might be your settings. My friend's 5150 would hiss no matter what, so we had to slap a noise suppressor in the FX loop. Shut the thing right up. I think it might be dust in your circuitry. Do you keep your combo covered when you're not using it?

I don't keep it covered. But I pulled the head out and cleaned everything recently.

Is this normal for these amps, or should I check something?
Those amps are pretty noisy if you don't have a suppressor, so I suggest getting it looked at by an amp tech. But since you have the combo version, it could just be the characteristics of the amp itself since the combo versions are made to break up easier and faster at a lower volume. My suggestion would be to keep it covered, get it checked (just to be sure, the amp tech may uncover a problem relating to an issue you have or an issue you might have in the future) and just keep playing. It's just probably the way those combos are.