Amp Porn - Mesa "Rev F" Dual Rectifier - Part 2: AFTER pics!


May 24, 2007
Hey all! I thought the amp nerds might be into this.

So I scored my "Rev F" Dual Rec about a month ago. Old tubes, missing parts, messed up tolex, etc. Here's the "before" pic:


I replaced the tolex, handle, feet, faceplate, jewel, and various small parts (tube retainers and stuff), and I installed a fresh quartet of Winged C 6L6s and some new preamp tubes as well. I got a TAD 7025 and a Tung-Sol reissue to swap in the V1 slot, they're both great but I lean towards the Tung-Sol for its midrange and tightness. Anyway, the amp positively SMOKES now, and it's looking good....



So anyway, I'm stoked on this amp and I'll put some pics up when I get a chance. If anyone wants to send me some DIs with backing tracks to hear it, email them to and I could possibly make clips when I get a sec.

Also, thanks to Lasse for the tube suggestions!

That is all.
So did you paint the faceplate that was on there or buy one aftermarket? If you did paint it what exactly did you use? tips tricks? Yours looks great! I've seen a couple crummy makeshift black faceplates which has always deterred me from trying my hand at painting mine.
No shit, ive looked on the site before and didnt see them in the store. Cool to know, Ill probably do that to mine when I have a couple extra bucks.
Mesa will sell you literally anything and they don't always advertise it on their page. I've purchased front plates, handles, a headshell, leather corners, and nails for the corners from them all at super reasonable prices and with insanely fast shipping.
Mesa will sell you literally anything and they don't always advertise it on their page. I've purchased front plates, handles, a headshell, leather corners, and nails for the corners from them all at super reasonable prices and with insanely fast shipping.

Totally. I just called them up and ordered the faceplate directly since it isn't on the online store.