FS: Mesa Dual Rectifier / Amp Suggestions


Miles of Machines
Sep 14, 2008
SA Texas, USA
Hey if anyone is interested, I have to sell my Mesa Boogie 2-Channel Dual Rectifier. It's in great condition and almost looks new. The vinyl cover and footswitch are included. I just completely re-tubed it in December of '08 (5 months ago) with 6L6 Ruby power tubes, JJ 5AR4 rectifier tubes and Penta Labs balanced triode preamp tubes. I've sold on this forum before to many members and have an ebay account under the username of RockGuitarX if you want credibility. I'm moving to San Antonio to finish my B.A degree and it looks like I'll barely be able to afford it, even if I qualify for the USAF scholarship. Not trying to play my sympathy card but I've just been hitting rock bottom and have had to sacrifice a lot of bad ass music equipment. I'm shooting for a price of $1,100 in US shipped. International offers welcome just be prepared to pay for the pricey shipping. I also have a Marshall MF280 for sale but I won't go into that unless anyone is interested in paying the shipping or picking it up.

Well since I'd rather give up my right testicle than guitar, I'm thinking I'll HAVE to at least just buy a small amp since I'll be moving into an efficiency anyways. Anyone have any suggestions or trade offers? (Krank Jr., Tiny Terror) I might look into a Flexwave, Tech 21 Trademark or Vypyr. Something with good sound but on the cheap side. Throw some ideas out, please :) Thanks - Brett



I hope i was able to afford it man.I would have bought it in a blink...
Anyway ,good luck selling it.I dont think you're gonna have trouble in this price.
As for the practice amp... i'd say tech21:rock:

I think some minutes later the guy who named Metaltastic will click here and comment. :d 'cause this is recto-related thread. :d
I hope you win $10,000 tomorrow in the lottery so you can keep it. If I didn't own one, I woulda bought that off of you.

I dream about that day and night man. I don't like to think about the fact that after several years of playing and testing out amps, this is my favorite head and now I have to sell it :(

I hope i was able to afford it man.I would have bought it in a blink...
Anyway ,good luck selling it.I dont think you're gonna have trouble in this price.
As for the practice amp... i'd say tech21:rock:

Thanks man :kickass:

Me too, but we are living in a dark economical age.
The only thing I can offer is a Triaxis and a kiss.

Haha I'll pass.


I think some minutes later the guy who named Metaltastic will click here and comment. :d 'cause this is recto-related thread. :d

Marcus sold me the footswitch and helped me pick out the tubes :)

where in Texas are you?

Just south of you in Corpus Christi :cool:
Man, why do you get these Boogies so cheap (new or used, does not matter) in the U.S.? For $1100 which is EUR 800 I would buy two of them, because used dual recs go for no less than $2000/EUR 1500 on ebay.de. The world is unjust.:waah: No other brand that I know of has this much of a price difference between the US and Europe. Just a rant...
Yeah RiF, it's ridiculous dude, I dunno what Mesa's logic is there, but I guess it works if they're still in business! Brett, sorry your still having a tough time financially (and that it's brought you to this :waah: ), good luck working everything out dude!
well i should be getting some good money here with-in the month...if you still have it by then maybe i can take a trip to the beach and come vistit and test it out.

Ya man, if it doesn't sell soon and you're interested just send me a PM and we can work something out.

Man, why do you get these Boogies so cheap (new or used, does not matter) in the U.S.? For $1100 which is EUR 800 I would buy two of them, because used dual recs go for no less than $2000/EUR 1500 on ebay.de. The world is unjust.:waah: No other brand that I know of has this much of a price difference between the US and Europe. Just a rant...

I'd be ranting myself if I lived in Europe. That sucks big time man.

Yeah RiF, it's ridiculous dude, I dunno what Mesa's logic is there, but I guess it works if they're still in business! Brett, sorry your still having a tough time financially (and that it's brought you to this :waah: ), good luck working everything out dude!

Thanks for your concern man. I almost feel embarrassed to put this on here. "Hey I once HAD a Mesa Dual Rectifier and now I have a small solid state P.o.S" :ill:
Yeah RiF, it's ridiculous dude, I dunno what Mesa's logic is there, but I guess it works if they're still in business! Brett, sorry your still having a tough time financially (and that it's brought you to this :waah: ), good luck working everything out dude!

just kidding. I'm sorry If my post made you feel bad like that. :-s I just thought you're big fan of Mesa Dual Recto.