5150/'deathcore' style raw and processed guitar and bass .wavs for reference?


Jan 2, 2012
I am trying to dial in a good 5150 sound with an Axe FX II, and while I'm able to get a good feel while playing, they aren't really recordable tones because they have the 'in the room' gain and settings that don't translate in a full mix. I am preparing to record my first band using the Axe FX II and Slate Trigger, going for that Whitechapel A New Era of Corruption guitar sound, but the music is along the lines of The Acacia Strain, so overall it's going to be a standard American deathcore sound.

I'm simply looking for some .wav files of well-recorded guitars going into boosted 5150s and Vintage 30s for that typical deathcore guitar tone. It would also be a huge help to find some grinding bass sounds that compliment, so I can get a better idea of how source guitars should sound before they are processed. The Axe FX II is meant to model recorded guitar sounds, but I've yet to track anything I would consider album quality, but since I've only been messing around with guitar and not supplementing with bass, it's hard to get the full picture while dialing in tones. I need something to have for reference since I'm still a fledgling and trying to break out of that habit of boosting gain and highs too much, because that's what guitarists do when they are practicing alone.

Also, it might be a longer shot, but if there are any .wavs of how those same guitar/bass tracks sound after you've processed with plugins or outboard, that would be another huge help. I guess someone would need to route the output to another track and record the processed sound there.

I checked the sticky of stems for mixing practice, but many of them are DI for reamping, links don't work, or are going for a different kind of metal. If there's anything else out there, or if someone with a 5150/Vintage 30 would take the time to toss on a 57 and share a .wav of something, that would be very much appreciated. I searched around and can't really find what I'm looking for, sorry if this has been asked before.
Hm, maybe this could help you:


For bass just search for jazz bass, usually there are clips included ;)

This thread is incredible! If I could find something like for bass too, with solo and in the mix clips, that would be everything I need. I'll search around some more, I was mostly looking for guitar earlier. I'm definitely getting something similar to the guitar clips shared in that thread, so I'm on the right track.

Thanks so much!