Can you protect WAVs in a main folder ?


Oct 30, 2010
I worked on a project and decided to merge everything into a single session to fix stuff and it was awesome. Now, I need to re-separate everything but don't want to process/bounce the 70 minute WAVs for 12 songs.. so I thought I'd just save my .rpp and .reason to a folder, one level up from the main one and give each song its folder. It's great, doesn't really take more space and I can always go back to the main folder where the main session is if I need anything. One Reaper file per song, but all the files sharing the same 70 minutes long WAVs.

The only thing I fear is the accidentally "clean" one of the song and therefor erase the audio files for the other tunes. Is there any way to protect them beside a backup. Is there a "lock" function of some sort ?

Here's an example of my folders :
---Studio sessions
    ---Album X
        +---Song 1
        |       Song 1.bat
        |       Song 1.reaper
        |       Song 1.reason
        +---Song 2
        |       Song 2.bat
        |       Song 2.reaper
        |       Song 2.reason
        ---Whole Session
                Guitar 1.wav
                Guitar 2.wav
                Solo - Copy.wav
                Whole Session - All songs.bat
                Whole Session - All songs.reaper
                Whole Session - All songs.reason