Lost all Audio in pro tools please help!

Shaun Werle

Dec 30, 2009
Brodheadsville PA
I went into a session today to finish a song i had to bounce out by tomorrow and there is nothing. I check my audio files and all the audio files are in the audio files folder but when i look in the session all my tracks are set up how they were but every track is blank!
The session files folder is not there but all the files for the audio are there.
The only thing is importing each track audio file will take forever, I didn't consolidate the guitar or bass so theres 1000+ files to go threw.

Is there any way to get my song back how it was?
What can i do to get all the files back.
Basically I am screwed i need help so bad.

Also how can import multiple audio files with out putting it each audio file on a different track?
Please help. :mad:
Well I can answer your second question. Just go to File > Import > Audio and then it will ask you whether or not you want the files sent to different tracks.

As for audio not showing up on tracks and your main problem, I am not sure. Something similar happened to me where the clips were there but they didn't contain any audio and I don't think it recognised it as missing files. This stuff mysteriously happens sometimes so I hope that you can get them back somehow. Very strange indeed. I usually save the session at different stages so that I can "reverse" changes; but that can't be done now.

Good luck.
Well I can answer your second question. Just go to File > Import > Audio and then it will ask you whether or not you want the files sent to different tracks.

As for audio not showing up on tracks and your main problem, I am not sure. Something similar happened to me where the clips were there but they didn't contain any audio and I don't think it recognised it as missing files. This stuff mysteriously happens sometimes so I hope that you can get them back somehow. Very strange indeed. I usually save the session at different stages so that I can "reverse" changes; but that can't be done now.

Good luck.

Thanks man, I know theres a way to do this in the region list but i am confused on what to do, could you run me threw some steps?
thanks man!
The session file folder disappeared

any suggestions

hold on a sec ...

you open PT

You go to open file ... you point to the name of the project you want to open ...

in that folder should be a session file, an audio files folder, a plugin settings folder, fade files folder, a session backup folder, and a cache file ... maybe something else depending on what version you're using

so you're saying the session file is gone ... what about the folders? If you have the folders you should be able to just go into your backup folder for that particular session. Or are you saying there is nothing in there except audio files from what WAS your session?
hold on a sec ...

you open PT

You go to open file ... you point to the name of the project you want to open ...

in that folder should be a session file, an audio files folder, a plugin settings folder, fade files folder, a session backup folder, and a cache file ... maybe something else depending on what version you're using

so you're saying the session file is gone ... what about the folders? If you have the folders you should be able to just go into your backup folder for that particular session. Or are you saying there is nothing in there except audio files from what WAS your session?

yeahh well I have the audio and fads folders, it's just i don't have a session file back up folder.

the audio folder has two different songs audio in it, which makes it extra difficult to find the right files. I deleted my data bases and i am about to open pt and see where it takes me.
Please feel free to drop suggestions
sounds to me like you deleted more than just your database

if you have just an audio folder with 2 songs worth of audio files all mixed up and no session files or session backup, I'd be rather curious to see where it takes you too :p

you might just have to start piecing the puzzle together

when was the last time you had the actual session file in the folder? Might want to try restoring to that point
Create a new session. Blank

Cmd/ctrl +shift+i - Import session data. Chose the PTF of the session thats causing you trouble.

Click and highlight copy from source media, and click on all the tracks so the dialogue box next to them says new track, also click, meter and the other boxes you may need (doing this from memory)
Create a new session. Blank

Cmd/ctrl +shift+i - Import session data. Chose the PTF of the session thats causing you trouble.

Click and highlight copy from source media, and click on all the tracks so the dialogue box next to them says new track, also click, meter and the other boxes you may need (doing this from memory)

if I understand him correctly, he's saying he doesn't even have the PTF
Skinny Viking said:
if I understand him correctly, he's saying he doesn't even have the PTF

He has to, how else is he opening it to see there is no audio in it.

Also, earlier he said he deleted his databases, as in he didn't do that before the problem, to see if it would fix it.
Thanks man, I know theres a way to do this in the region list but i am confused on what to do, could you run me threw some steps?
thanks man!

Do what in region list?

If your talking about importing, the files will show up in your region list but probably scattered so you will have to find them.

If your talking about backing up I just mean saving new session files in increments instead of doing in one session. But I am not sure what you are asking. Sometimes I use playlists in tracks and save before editing.
He has to, how else is he opening it to see there is no audio in it.

Also, earlier he said he deleted his databases, as in he didn't do that before the problem, to see if it would fix it.

thats what I was getting confused about ... cause I asked him if the actual session file was gone and he said yeah along with the backup folder

otherwise creating a brand new session and then importing session data from the corrupted one should have worked
I went into a session today to finish a song i had to bounce out by tomorrow and there is nothing. I check my audio files and all the audio files are in the audio files folder but when i look in the session all my tracks are set up how they were but every track is blank!
The session files folder is not there but all the files for the audio are there.
The only thing is importing each track audio file will take forever, I didn't consolidate the guitar or bass so theres 1000+ files to go threw.

Did you move any audio files from one hard drive to another or to any other folder within the course of the session or project?

Often when you do that and open up PT again, PT will give you a prompt/option to relink or find files or skip all.

Do you remember seeing that prompt?

Usually you would select relink and it could take up to a couple minutes for PT to relocate and link and reconfigure everything again.

If you rush through that step/process and inadvertently save and close pro tools again it might not give that option again unless you go to a back up session,but.... you say there is no folder for your back up sessions, which is strange.

If you did not empty trash at any time, try doing a search for the session file name which you've probably already done.

If all else fails go with post #14...
Shaun ... how big is your audio files folder for this session? You said there's 2 songs worth of audio in ...

also, when you have PT open and you go to file > open session > band name / song name, what exactly is missing? Here is a screen shot of what I have in a song folder. Do you have the little PT session file?

If you do, when you created a brand new session and tried importing session data from the corrupted one, what happened?