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Undersized screen-stoppers aren't good for stability either.
Especially if they're metal film, since below about 470R they'll typically show an inductive peak at RF. 1k and up should show a purely capacitive rollof in RF impedance. Carbon comps (which I assume Peavey used) don't look inductive at any value, but they're noisy.
Anyway, you could go much higher than 1k before you'd be dropping too much voltage. The tonal change due to increased dynamic compression would be more likely to be a problem before then.
Peavey uses 100R5W ceramic house wirewound resistors for the screen grids, so they are inductive. I found it odd enough that they deliberately used 5 watt resistors as to discourage bias modding the amp, as at normal biasing you are pushing 20W into a 5W resistor and still over 5W when the amps hasn't been biased, which explains why they blow when tubes go bad, regardless of bias. The remedy of that obviously is to reduce current on the screen so those resistors aren't running as hot. That would also benefit that fact that you would be dropping the screen voltage so that it doesn't match the plate voltage, which is a plus the way I see it.
Yeah. You could always place the choke in addition to the resistor, though. Or go crazy and use a BJT/MOSFET regulator.
My idea is to add the choke in series to the resistor, increase the SGR to 1K and then play around with the value of R210 (the resistor in series with the choke) to get the desired screen voltage and hope that it doens't mess with the preamp voltages too much, which it really shouldn't as if anything I would be reducing the value of R210 if anything)
Does kinda suggest they were getting a bit hot.![]()
I don't know what the owner before was doing to the amp, but he replaced all the preamp tubes with GT 12AT7's, two of the SGR's where not working which meant only two of the tubes where working. And the power tubes didn't match. Three of the tubes are 6L6WTX+, two being Sovteks and one being a Generic Russian WTX, the fourth was a Sovtek 6L6WTX. I think the dude blew out the tubes, would buy one at a time (instead of a matched pair) and then sold it when he realized that two of the tubes weren't working. Fortunately it was only about $60 to fix the SGRs and replace the tubes with JJ ECC83s including a balanced tube for the P.I. Bringing tyhe total of the amp to $700, which I was happy with none the less. I have found that one of the power tubes has a crack in it although it is not yet leaking, soon enough though all four of them will need to be replaced, which I am surprised they lasted this long as I have been running them at 70% for almost 2 years.