5150 integrated quad mod


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
After a large research focused on 5150 Mk1 tubes, looking for the tubes that should fit my needs the best, I found an email Bob @ Eurotubes sent to me a few monthes ago about his famous INTEGRATED QUADS.

He advised me to put a pair of JJ KT66 or JJ KT88 alongside a pair of standard JJ 6L6 power tubes, all that with no bias mod.

I started thinking to buy four JJ 6L6 tubes for the poweramp (which are very appreciated in the 5150) but now I start to think again and this can be a big improvement over the "standard" sound.

I really don't find a lot of information about those integrated quads, so if some of you can speak about it, post some samples etc., it should be really great.
While Bob says it's safe, and it may not hurt the amp in the short term, I'd have serious reservations about doing it. I know many people are fans of Bob and Eurotubes, but my limited contact with him via email, he was a douchebag. His site reads like a disgruntled old fart out to prove everyone wrong, so his ideas seem suspect to me.

I'd love to hear your thoughts if you do go this route, though.
Yeah, truth be told, after talking to Mark Cameron (of the up-and-comer company Cameron amps) at NAMM, I've switched my loyalties to dougstubes.com
Thanks guys, I finally ordered :
- four JJ 6L6GC power tubes
- four JJ ECC83S preamp tubes
- one Tung Sol 12AX7 high gain preamp tube (just to try and put it in V1)

I had Svetlana 6L6 until now and was very happy, great vintage feel, definition and honoring THAT 5150 tone kfhkh, but I have to try the JJ as they are really appreciated all around.
yeah, regardless od what is said on that page. "integrated quads" can harm your amp and won't improve the soud.

to switch to other tubes you'd have to change not only the bias, but as well the grid resistors etc.
My 6505 has Ruby Power tubes in it. If I get time this coming weekend I could put JJ6L6 GC in it and post a comparison between them and the Ruby's if you would like.

Let me know.
I've used Ruby's, JJ's and Svetlana's (currently). Of the 3 I liked the JJ's aggression the best. The Ruby's seemed to have a tad more bottom end. The Svetlana's kinda ride somewhere in the middle of the JJ's and Ruby's. Of all 3, my preference is the JJ's.

I really wanna trya Tung Sol in V1 as well. I currently have all Shuguang 9th Gen. Chinese in the preamp.