Lasse Lammert
HCAF Blitzkrieg
Here's Mark Cameron's Mod: (taked from RigTalk):
Mark Cameron said:V5B(middle preamp tube): add 10pf silver mica cap to pins 7 and 8. This is the main mod!!!
R9: piggyback a resistor on top of the 1 meg resistor. I used a 120k based on feel. You can try out 68k, 100k, 120k, 150k, etc. This tightened up the map a lot!
C26: cut one leg for less bottom end on the rhythm channel
C15: bypass cap for better "feel"
I tried tinkering with R15 and using Marshall vlaues, but it took too much away from the original sound. The 39k is the SLO value as well.