5150 + Road King - Recording - my bands full length


Dec 29, 2005
I made a thread before but the tracks didn't have vocals laid down and werent mixed at all!

any and all critiques/comments are welcomed! We'll be passin the cd along to our hook ups (after mass promotion and getting some cred) So go ahead and give a nice mix critique cause we want this bad boy to sound great (and i think its getting there)

For amps we used a Road King and 5150 II plus i boosted them with a Ts-9 . Used a marshall cabinet with greenbacks and cranked the shit out of the amp + Gibson Les Pauls. I wish very much i had my Splawn at that time

bassist used a Mesa Boogie amp head.. can't remember which one but it was really nice.

4 songs should be up here (this is just our little demo page for the rough mixes) These are 4 songs out of 10 and i cant wait to finish mixing the others.

Might be your taste and maybe it wont! hard rockin with pop (and some shades of metal)


our real page is myspace.com/spence but this page doesnt have the new tracks

there is a bitchin solo in the song "J-Pop" and in "want it"

cheers and thanks to anyone who responds
thank yous

I did have to shrink the file size of the songs to get them on myspace

one song isnt loading doh : (