5150 : Typical EQ on guitars when mixing


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I'm interested in knowing a bit more how you EQ/treat your guitars once recorded, I mean the typical SM57 in front of the cab recordings.

Here's what I typically do in a 5150 guitar mix :

I have double tracked guitars most of the time. I create a stereo bus and run each guitar to this bus. Individual tracks are most of the times panned hard.
I have a "filter EQ" on each invidual track, I only keep frequencies between 60 Hz and 12500 Hz.
Then I put a stereo EQ on my guitar bus. I usually find myself cutting :
- a few 250 Hz with a large curve, checking that with the bass guitar too (never tried the C4 thing for the moment)
- a few 400 or 450 or 500 or 600 Hz depending on the sound, to get rid of the mud and get more width in guitars.
- a few 800 Hz (honky mids)
- a few 3 khz (headache frequency, one db or two db is sufficient in most of the cases)
- a few 5 or 6 khz to get rid of the fizz

I sometimes try to cut one db @ 1 khz to scoop the sound a bit more if it's too agressive in the mids. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. The last Machine Head album has scooped to hell guitars but it still sound present, how do the hell M. Richardson gets those mids ?

Then I check with the bass guitar but I usually have to scoop a tiny bit @ 150 Hz in my guitars to make room for it.

5 db cuts is kind of a maxima to me, after this it becomes to sound dead.

Then I boost some frequencies which tend to be the same :
- a few 90 Hz to get the weight of the cab (ala Colin Rirchardson)
- a few 1500 Hz to enhance the "good mids"
- a few 8,5-8,8 khz to increase the "mediator sound"

One to three db boosts are generally fine. More is too much IMO.

Of course all this depends on the other instruments playing in the mix, but those are typical frequencies I work with.
I'm curious about what do you do in your 5150 mixes ?
HP and LP goes without saying haha. After that my cuts and boosts will rarely be more than 1dB, and if more than that, then very rarely more than 2dB. Sometimes for jobs where I haven't tracked I'll be boosting or cutting up to 5dB.

As far as frequencies, it really depends on the mix, however I'll usually boost the top end somewhere (from around 8kHz), and sometimes tinker with the lows a little (240Hz downwards). Around 300-400Hz can bring out some more "thickness" in the lower mids. Also playing between 1.5kHz and 3kHz can bring the guitars out a bit more. But as I said, these are small adjustments to help the guitars fit into the mix - too much of any of these and you will start getting some pretty nasty guitar sounds.

Most of your frequency areas seem spot on (although I guess you have covered most of them haha).
Ahah yes, I think the low mids tightness is really achieved by the perfect mic position.
Do you use the C4 ? Never tried that but it seems to work well if you want big tight low mids.

In my case, the guitars already sound great without the EQ but once I add the bass, drums and vocals, I find myself having to EQ a bit more than I thought.

I just remember that I had to scoop some 5 db in the low mids when mixing the G12T75 and V30 speakers in this mix (which seems pretty "normal" because the G12T has more low mids) :
I find 130-160Hz can be "woofy" esp. on palm mutes but a multi comp sometimes works better for me (@that freq)than an EQ cut...I think it is also a good place:150Hz ish to let the snare body pop thru...
Yeah, I'm kind of in the same boat. First C4 and then I'll do the following in something like the Q10 - HiPass @ 60-65, LoPass @ 12k - narrow cut around 3-4khz, small dip around 250-500, usually a narrow notch some where around 100-200. I'll sometimes do the extreme narrow boost and sweep for any really nasty frequency and tame that. Maybe then something like the VEQ4 for some gentle mid/hi boost.
I often do some wicked suction going on at around 700, mostly because my current setup is a TS7 (MIDS) + Tiny Terror (moar MIDS) + Mesa Stiletto cab (EVER MOAR MIDS) :) Also a 1 db boost at around 4k usually to get a bit more bite