54 are that DAMN good!!!!


New Metal Member
May 22, 2002
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I've seen Area 54 for the first time and they were
FUCKING Brilliant!!! :headbang:
I've also heard that Blaze is supposed to be playing at Dudley can anyone confirm this???
Yeah, Originally went to see Dokken, but when Area 54 came on I thought Hhhmmm, not bad and the rest of the band were good to. Dokken were pretty ace though, been listening to them for 9 years now and each gig gets better :headbang:
Uhm........The only complaint about this band is that the vocalist don't have any "punch" in his singing. No raw power and no heaviness to lay behind the voice so to speak..........

Kinda good musicians though...
No punch?

well theres enough punch for me in the drumming and the guitars... and to be honest i dont think Lakis is the weakest of voices though

erm FUCKIN BITTTTCCCCCCCCCCCH anyone..... theres a fair amount of punch behin the delivery of that lyric is there not!

but then 54 have damn well got everything else - such as harmony to die for and a bassist with a fretless as well as a drummer with double punch ....i mean kicks. lol
arghhhh fuck it im just biased...