

Feb 8, 2002
First thought was "What the Hell Black band did he interview and give that much cover space to?" I still can't read any of those fucking logos, even Enslaved's - and I've got 3 of their albums. I'm doomed to remain unTrue.

Just got done reading it - very good issue. All the interviews were interesting, especially the dude from Canvas Solaris - there's a guy who seems to know his shit but doesn't come off sounding like a twat. No small feat.

I can't say that instrumental Metal has ever been anything I thought about beyond the Shrapnel wankery from back in the day - but after that interview, I'll check out their CD.

Tribunal's home page has one of the links to a CS MP3 that isn't even one of their songs - unless they've added vocals to their instrumental approach. Whacky.

Speaking of doomed, went to MP3.com and downloaded a shitload of those Doom bands' shiznit. I'm not familiar enough with Paradise Lost or My Dying Bride to know how derivitive any of it is (or isn't) - tis a scene I know almost nothing about. Anyway, I've actually only listened to a few tracks from Mourning Beloveth and it was alright. I like Novembers Doom better.

I can't imagine a 4 Doom band bill. If it wasn't in Boston, I'd prolly go just for the novelty of it (at least there shouldn't be any pits - although I've never been to a show in Boston, so mebbe there will be). Have I mentioned I fucking hate Boston?

Was interesting to get another perspective on Pharaoh, and it's cool that the critic has decided to dedicate his efforts to creating. Keeps with my "those who can, do" motto. Although the irony of the Pharaoh situation was funny.

I'm in the "more interviews, less reviews" camp, especially if you find them easier and more enjoyable to do. I'm getting tired of reading reviews, and interviews are always more insightful to the music anyways - and you sneak review comments into the interviews, which makes it all work out lovely.

But I suppose the majority of people want skewering reviews to laugh at or bitch about.

Speaking of reviews, I've now listened to 2 The Prophecy tracks (fuck I type slow) - I like Mourning Beloveth better. Not much difference on first pass, though.