6260 w/dummy load + impulses tone test


Jan 13, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys

I just built a dummy load for my 6260 and am trying to work out a good metal tone. I've started at the settings recommended in the 5150 settings threads and using the preamp out. I've ordered the bits so i can make a line-out from the dummy load to include the power tubes in the sounds, but the bits are a couple of weeks away unfortunately.

It's double tracked, with bass and makeshift drums. Ignore the drums really, just want to try and get the guitar and bass sounding good and balanced.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5382960/tone test.mp3

Hopefully you guys can help me improve it

And for any aussies out there, GO THE SAINTS!! :kickass: (even tho im an eagles fan lol)


It's pretty solid, considering it's going the impulse route. Only thing I can suggest is to take a look at the mids and see if you can decongest them. There might be a bit much going on around the 400-600hz range.

If I might suggest, a cool way of getting power amp saturation in there is by using a Countryman Type 85. It has a switch that lets it take the full speaker out signal. It's how I recorded my old 6260 in this song: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/Music/GoodWillOut-Paranoid.mp3
Cheers Ermz, i'l have a look around that area to see if i can tighten it up.

I'l look into that countryman type 85 too, if its going to sound better than using the dummy load.


Did you try some sort of tubescreamer already? That should help to tighten the tone alot.

Greetings from Balga :P

(Although im not Australian but German)
hey dude, i've got a bad monkey in there which is meant to be pretty similar to a tubescreamer, which tightened it up alot. I'll keep playin with it today, need to get a proper grip on eq and multiband compression if i'm gonna learn to do this stuff properly.

I'm down in Canning Vale :wave:

