64-bit Drum Trigger (Mac)


Epic n00b.
Jun 3, 2009
Loch Garman, Eire
Alas, Aptrigga 2 has reached the end of days, the trusty steed that it was, but with no support forthcoming with regards an update to 64 to comply with this freaky modern world I fear I'll have to cut my losses.

I liked the simplicity of Aptrigga, and generally the functionality suited me down to the ground, besides the limited number of samples per instance. Proper bang for your buck! Could anyone care to offer some advice going forward?
(I apologize in advance if this was already discussed, I did attempt a contextual search along with the general google search but plugin threads date rapidly)
i'm actually looking for the same thing, but my extensive research has so far turned up nothing. could it be that there just isn't an option for 64-bit mac at this point? the whole thought is a bit

i guess i should have just gone with the big boys in the first place instead of buying aptrigga 2. i bought it like 3 years ago and it has never been updated since.
Yeah I bought it around then also, as for the "big boys", Drumagog looks a bit crap really.

Logic Pro does have a bridge but it's not worth talking about for the amount of use you'd get out of it. Crashes quite frequently and playback is glitched when in use. (on mine at least)
They seem to be the only options for now anyway, I've tried a couple workarounds but they impede workflow greatly. I'm not too fussed for the amount I'd want to use it at present, I'll see how I deal with it when I need it a bit more again. Thanks anyway d00d! :D
Slate FG-X isn't 64bit either on Mac. The problem is an iLok1 which doesn't support 64bit plugs on Mac. It does in Windows, but support is somewhat buggy in there as well. Steven promised to release iLok2 versions of FG-X and Trigger at some point, but nothing so far. Steven, can your older plugins see some love finally? Still buggy VCC and Trigger? iLok2 versions of FG-X and Trigger?

But I'm using both FG-X and Trigger on 64bit Studio One with jBridgeM. It isn't ideal of course, but does the job for me as I'm not using too lot of these.