6505 cab

May 23, 2007
hey guys im looking for a new 2x12 for my 6505 so far im looking at the marshall 1936 unless anyone can give me massive reasons against it or has a better suggestion for around that price range? many thanks
I had a Marshall 1936 for a very long time before I sold it to get another Mesa oversized 4x12. No complaints at all, has a good direct and tight sound. I did swap out one of the speakers for a V30, giving me a G12-T75 on one side and a V30 for the other.

i was thinking about doing that after a while or building another 2x12 with vintage 30s when i have time and money cheers dude
Framus 2x12. Excellent quality for the price. I've have since modified mine slightly but I really like the sound. If you are going for a 1936 try and pick an older one, as they have better construction. A JCM800/900 version would be ideal.
How did you modify your Framus cab, gorath?

I got a tube of silicone sealant and sealed the whole of the interior to make it as air-tight as possible. I also used sticky backed foam to tighten up the removable rear panel joins. Final mod was to recover the back panel with thick egg box acoustic foam. The cab doesn't project quite as much (not as airy sounding) but its much tighter and the bass end is a lot more controlled. Probably not perfect for live use but for recording its a must.