6505+ problem please help!


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2009
I know this might not be the place for this but...

I was practicing with my band a couple of hours ago and all of the sudden my bass became terribly undefined and woofy. Then I started to loose definition on my gain on top of the undefined woofy bass. This only concerns me because nothing was touched! It just happened mid song. Is it a blown tube or what?

Gain 7
Bass 7
Mid 6
Treb 5
Reso 7
Pres 6

I am running through a JB humbucker into a Ibanez rga121 prestige and I have a 31 band eq running in the effects loop. Don't know if that info will help but I guess it is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
Well, your gain is awfully high.....and I'd ditch the 31-band EQ...(I have one in my rack, but its not even hooked up....there's really not much need for it).

But that is aside your issue, it seems. I'd check the tubes.
I used that high of gain to get some saturation on the green crunch channel. If I go lower it just doesn't roil properly if you know what I mean.
Sounds like tubes to me. When tubes go, everything turns to mud. The green channel on that amp is for cleaner stuff. You should be rocking the red channel. Pushing the gain on the green that hard could maybe attribute to burning out preamp tubes. Not sure. Wolfe would be the best help here I think.
Sounds like tubes to me. When tubes go, everything turns to mud. The green channel on that amp is for cleaner stuff. You should be rocking the red channel. Pushing the gain on the green that hard could maybe attribute to burning out preamp tubes. Not sure. Wolfe would be the best help here I think.

The no reason to use the red channel specifically, either gives is valid.
The green channel is not for cleaner stuff, it's either or.
You can't damage preamp valves by pushing them too hard gain wise, though they can get damaged other ways and sometimes just go, light a light bulb might.
I preferred the gain on the green myself, it seemed tighter to me for rhythm chugga chugga parts.

The guys saying valves are probably right, it does seem like a valve problem to me too.