6505 probs


Ocean Planet is on burn
Jul 10, 2007
Oklahoma, US
i just got a brand ass new 6505 today with a marshall 1960a cab. i started playing with it without anything in front of the amp and the distortion is kinda fuzzy. but i also only had it on 1. i was wondering if this is how it is for everyone. also the bright switch doesnt really make an audible difference and the presence knob is the same way until it hits 9. could there be a tube fucked up? Im planning on getting new tubes for it anyway so what kind should i look into and what would they do to my sound?
Your problems might just be because of the low volume. Tubes wouldn't really have much to do with those problems. Do a search...tubes have been discussed a lot. Peaveys usually ship with pretty good tubes.
i just got a brand ass new 6505 today with a marshall 1960a cab. i started playing with it without anything in front of the amp and the distortion is kinda fuzzy. but i also only had it on 1. i was wondering if this is how it is for everyone. also the bright switch doesnt really make an audible difference and the presence knob is the same way until it hits 9. could there be a tube fucked up? Im planning on getting new tubes for it anyway so what kind should i look into and what would they do to my sound?

Nope... Nothing wrong with it... welcome to the world of the 5150/6505...

Crank the volume to about 4 or 5... the presence doesnt really do anything until about 8 or 9...

Have fun...:)
never go higher than 3 on the volume on my 6505+

WTF? I've got mine on 5 going through two cabs and I'm not sure if it will cut through a rehearsal situation yet.

Wow, that´s pretty much. Do you mic your drummer and push his stuff over your PA or what ;) ?
In most rehearsel / live situations I got mine on 3, it´s sweet tone there and kinda loud enough to get through all those others noise.
me and my friends were fuckin around yesterday and put earplugs in and cranked it to 6 :lol: .the fizz went away at around 2 1/2. i love the sound of it. it just punches the shit outta you when you play it. :kickass:
I also run my 6505+ around 3. I have never gone above 5 I don't think, lol.

Loud amp.

FWIW, I think the tubes can make a pretty noticeable difference, more so the preamp tubes. I replaced the EH's in mine with Chinese 12AX7's and it was much, much better. EH pre's are my least favorite tube, though. The Chinese tubes seem to tame the fizz but keep the edge and aggression and they seem to run a bit quieter. next re-tube I think I'll go for Winged C PT's and Tung Sol pre's...I've heard good things about both types of tubes.
Rrecording my 5150 I tend to have the volume around 3.5 or 4.

Also, I've been meaning to ask on here... I know that a lot of people like recording the 5150 on the rhythm channel, but I can't get my rhythm channel to fatten up enough to do that, unless I have the gain around 9 at the lowest, even with a tubescreamer. However, also with a tubescreamer, the lead channel gets thick enough with the gain around 5. Should I be making the tubescreamer do more work when trying to use the rhythm channel, so I can keep the amp gain down? Or is it pretty common to push the gain a lot further on the rhythm channel, just because it's a less gain-y channel in the first place?
i have the gain on the rythym channel at 6.25 with crunch in with an 808 in front, set to Od- 8 o clock, - tone 9 o clock, and balance at 12 o clock, and that is PLENTY of gain