6505 - Small clip with Revalver III again

sounds good to me.
i really like your snare sound . its "real" or its a sample?
I quite like your drum mix, but the guitars sound bad to me. Really flat, with no edge or depth at all. I'd say it's an issue with the software as I've yet to hear anything really impressive come from it.
Nice and heavy tone you got there.

Moonlapse: Don't you think it's a bit early to say that Revalver MKIII is incapable of delivering a tone you like considering the demo hasn't even been out for half a month? People haven't even been allowed to save presets yet since it's still not available for purchase.

I'm willing to bet that once the program is out for awhile, people will be getting tones that are virtually indistinguishable from the real deal. With the high tweakability of the amps, the authentic Peavey schematics, and the 64-bit mixdown function, we are barely scrapping the surface of the possibilities this early on. Guitarhack has already gotten very close with literally 10 minutes of messing around and without even tweaking the amp.
I quite like your drum mix, but the guitars sound bad to me. Really flat, with no edge or depth at all. I'd say it's an issue with the software as I've yet to hear anything really impressive come from it.

Exactly what I'm struggling with there.
However, I hope it's just the combination of impulse, amp settings and the way they are mixed as I think that some guys have done some pretty convincing stuff with Revalver lately...