Short clip - Katatonia Vibe, Recabinet, Revalver


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
I was A/Bing to TGCD the whole time but gave up once I figured I'll never come close :lol: However, I'm very satisfied with what I've achieved so far: (tiny differences, more prominent snare)

I like how I got EZDrummer to sound, still artificial but much more natural than what I normally managed... I left the snare the way it was, I think it adds a nice character to the drum image itself.

Still, there's some crackling, distorting going on and I didn't figure out where this is coming from, I think it's the bassdrum but I'm not sure... it happens once I try to limit/clip/master this. Any idea?
Apart from the bass drum this sounds great. I prefer the first mix.

Same here. The bass drum *works* for the song, but I prefer something a bit less SM58 sounding. But that's purely what I would prefer in this case, no real reason against what you got.

Digging the mix and song as a whole though! Keep it coming dude.
hrmmm the kick needs to be louder though... seriously... or just lower everything else since it sounds way too compressed...
it sounds great, but the first thing that really stood out to me is that the overall mix is sterile and doesn't really breathe. try to get those drums to sound more realistic and find a way to get your guitars to sound warmer. doesnt sound like there is any bass, if their is find a way to make it stick out.

and get some reverb in there, just enough to give it some air, everything sounds really confined and too focused, unless if that is what your going for.