6505 with impulses?


I am rape-I am hate
Aug 25, 2006
Tried using the F/X send with impulses -didnot work. So is the preamp out safe to plug staight too the firepod.Just want to make sure I wont fry anything Thanks
I tried out my GT-PRO with amp sim off via SPDIF into guitarhack's implulses, methinks I need to try it with my TSL, as it was a bit boomy in the lows for me (maybe it was just because I programmed the patch running through my TSL's power amp into a 2x12 v30 cab, who knows) but unemployed benefit scum as myself can't fork out for an interface to try out just yet! Everyone else that's used em has had great results so i'd place the fault on my end! :goggly: