666th Post = $6.66 Sale

Nice, my order is complete. My haul (some blind, some not so blind):

Avzhia - Dark Emperors
Bergraven - Dodsvisioner
Between the Frost - Realms of Desolation
Burzum - Stemm Fra Tarnet
Chemikiller - Evilspeak
Dark Forest - Aurora Borealis
The Enchanted - Those Who Fell
Marblebog - Forestheart
Morgion - Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth
Zargof - Departure for the Cosmic Twilight

Awesome! Will send a PM as soon as I find some shit that I will like.

edit: I know I will want these:

Sombre Chemin -Doctrine
Naastrand - Total Holocaust (1st Black Metal Assault)
Uruk-Hai - Lothlorien

I'm going to look for more later though.
How is Black Crucifixion - Faustian Dream? I have their The Fallen One of Flames release and like it but I don't know about this full length.

Actually, that is one that I didn't care much for. I traded for it based upon their previous material and was a little shocked when I popped it in. I guess you could say it's Dark Metal...definitely a stylistic shift. There are some good moments but, overall, I was disappointed. That's not to say, however, that you shouldn't buy it! :goggly:
thanks sweetie that's awful nice of you ... this "no more mortgage" thing is finally making you be a bit more impulsive
Aluk Todolo - Descension
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Skepticism - aes
Grey Daturas - Dead In The Woods

^ [edit:will have] bought these [soon]