

New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
I'm unhappy with the *jilted* results of the nevermore song tourney, i beleive it was rigged.

Here's how we're going to decide. The song that i beleive should have won is 42147, so here is a thread where 42147 will be put up against No More Will.

OR, if you prefer the learning, No More will up against it.

So someone start up, WHY should have no more will beaten 42147? I see no evidence at all... Cooler riff, technically superior, it's catchier,the vocals are better etc.
How about you don't make it a poll? Make it an actual thread, so there is discussion, and people actually give reasons why they chose what they chose they chose to chose the song they chose... eh?
looks like SOMEONE deserves an ass kicki... uh... no wait... good... you did well... *hugs and kis... uh... shakes hands*