Unplayed live Nevermore songs

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
What songs do you think they should play live that they don't regularly play live?
I say they should play one(or more, that would be sweet) of the following songs they don't regularly play:
-Sea of Possibilities
-In Memory
-The Learning
-The Tiananman Man
-No More Will

If any of these are played, just not ath the shows I go to, correct me. Also, I am officially jealous as hell too.:grin:
Nevermore should put something like that on their FAQ. Dream Theater has the same thing, about songs they have never played live. They haven't played 3 songs live out of their entire catalogue, which is huge.

I can't say though. I've seen them twice and I didn't hear a lot of songs. Most of what I heard was off DHIADW.
lmao, im followin u around, Poison... ya, man, i want a friggin nevermore boot.. im willing to trade a Slayer - 11/10/2001 Montreal (A-/A+ quality) boot for ur best quality Nevermore.... also, u got a live version of This Sacrament?
Now you little kids have to grovel on your hands and kness....
*hint* *hint*
come to your MASTER.

YOU CAN SHOVE THE SLAYER SHIT right back up up your shitter.
I listened to most of them during POE tour coheadlining with those retards, Iced Earth...

when they played the learning i really got high...
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
also, u got a live version of This Sacrament?

Dude, there's a live Nevermore show on the net, on tradin gprograms like Kazaa, WinMX, and Morpheus. Got mine on WinMX, and This Sacrement is one of the songs. I saw This Sacrement live actually, it was a big fucking surprise, it kicked royal ass too.

Originally posted by metalized
I listened to most of them during POE tour coheadlining with those retards, Iced Earth...

when they played the learning i really got high...

I guess i'm officially jealous of YOU:lol:
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
What songs do you think they should play live that they don't regularly play live?
I say they should play one(or more, that would be sweet) of the following songs they don't regularly play:
-Sea of Possibilities
-In Memory
-The Learning
-The Tiananman Man
-No More Will

If any of these are played, just not ath the shows I go to, correct me. Also, I am officially jealous as hell too.:grin:

I saw a bootleg video of a live show during the DNB tour where they played No More Will.
Nevermore has apparently played The Learning live- just not at the 7 or so shows that I've been to. I can't blame them- seems like backup guitarists have a habit of leaving too often and it would be a bitch of a song to nail.

I asked WD one time and he said that they played it live in Houston, TX. I went to the shows in Austin and Dallas so they played my fav. song at the only Texas concert I didn't go to!

Oh well..maybe this year.
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth

Dude, there's a live Nevermore show on the net, on tradin gprograms like Kazaa, WinMX, and Morpheus. Got mine on WinMX, and This Sacrement is one of the songs. I saw This Sacrement live actually, it was a big fucking surprise, it kicked royal ass too.

i cant find it... on Morpheus at least
The last time I've seen them live (Heidelberg, Germany, 3 years ago), I attended their soundcheck and asked them to play THE LEARNING and THE SORROWED MAN live.

Loomis couldn't believe that I asked for exactly two those "obscure" songs he obviously really wanted to play. And they played both. Great setlist and great show.

Hope to see them in a bigger venue next time...

Well, quite a few of you are posting songs you heard that are obscure and don't play live. so i'll mention the ones I heard. i think the most obscure ones i heard were This Sacrement and The Death of Passion(at sepereat shows), which both kicked royal ass. Is Beyond Within obscure for them to play kuve? I heard thaht both shows I think. I think i s hould mention i heard these both on the DHIADW tour(s).
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
What songs do you think they should play live that they don't regularly play live?
I say they should play one(or more, that would be sweet) of the following songs they don't regularly play:
-Sea of Possibilities
-In Memory
-The Learning
-The Tiananman Man
-No More Will

If any of these are played, just not ath the shows I go to, correct me. Also, I am officially jealous as hell too.:grin:

I've heard No More Will, The Tiananmen Man, and Lost live. They were all on some bootleg when they played in Germany. Actually they played a bunch of In Memory stuff too. I know they did Optimist/Pessimist and the Bauhaus cover. I'm almost sure Matricide as well. Another bootleg from the DNB tour that I've seen has the whole DNB album performed in order, except for one or two songs. Pretty awesome stuff. Someone asked Warrel about The Learning after a show I was at last year and he just responded with "Dude, do you know how fucking hard that song is to do live??"

As far as rare songs that I've witnessed live, not much. I've only got to see them twice on the DHIADW tour.
Beyond within was the opener of the whole DNB tour I guess.

This Sacrament, Next In Line or Tiananmen Man aren't unusual either I think (Politics tour).

The most surprising song I witnessed was The Mirror Black on their (Politics) tour with Iced Earth. Great to hear THAT Sanctuary classic.

(PS: Jim Sheppard doesn't like Iced Earth either, at least that's what he told me: "not really")