7 hours left!!!!


Mar 6, 2003
in 7 hours I'll be flying to Egypt!!! this is going to be awesome journey, I'm so excited. I'll be diving in Red Sea and stuff.... YEAH!!!! :headbang:
Harhar, lucky guy! Have lots of fun and take huge amounts of pics! ;) And drink alot :p
I guess its goodbye now for quite some time! :wave:
You lucky bastard. I want to go to Egypt, just yesterday I was imagining how cool it'd be to be sitting on a beach in Alexandria..

Well, one day It'll be true
(who'd like to join me?
MagSec4 said:
You lucky bastard. I want to go to Egypt, just yesterday I was imagining how cool it'd be to be sitting on a beach in Alexandria..

Well, one day It'll be true
(who'd like to join me?
dude, i would definately like to
(in a totally hetero and macho kind of way :p)

cus damn, one day i HAVE to go to Egypt!