7 men arrested in bomb plot


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
Interesting article. This is something I don't understand, though. Sometimes I have a hard enough time finding a good sale yet some people seem to be able to find members of Al-Qaida. Ok, so the information really wasn't a member of Al-Qaida but how do other people even go about finding people they THINK is in Al-Qaida? Know what I mean? Another thing, how did no one around the FBI building in Miami realize that they were being recording? Disturbing.

yeah, i'm thinking drag them out in the streets of florida on national t.v. and put a bullet in each of their heads. that might stop other americans from plotting to blow up stuff in this country.
If they were to blow up the Sears Tower, they'd have to do it from the outside. It's hella hard to get a truck into the building nowadays. When my Dad needs to make a delivery there, he has to call ahead and schedule a time. Then, before he pulls in, he has to get out of the truck and let bomb sniffing dogs search the entire thing.
Nutjobs to be sure, but to me it seems like another oppurtunity to scare the shit out of the population. TERROR! TERROR! TERROR! These guys "pledge their allegiance" to Al Queda much in the same way a group of white kids would call themselves Crips.
This reminds me of the arrests they made in Toronto a couple weeks ago. A group of terrorists had 3 times the amount of explosives that were used in the Oklahoma City bombing. They were targeting a few different places. The main thing that crossed my mind was that I live about 1 hour from a nuclear power plant and if the bastards blew that sucker up we'd be fucked.
manthatfollowshell said:
hmmm, looks like the "illegal" wire tappng crazy liberals are crying about is working.
Exactly. It worked.
The government really doesn't care what you say on an everyday basis. It cares about the dumbasses plotting to blow shit up. I can careless if they record everything I say. I'm not pc friendly, but I'm a trucker, so who gives a fuck.

Used to live by a chemical depot the army used for storing all their chem warfare, and a nuclear power plant.
One thing I hate about the media (ok, there is a lot but I'll try to stay on track here). I live in NJ and there are a lot of nuclear power plants here, or so I found out on the news. I'm sure that if I really, really wanted to find out where these places are, I could do it. But does the media really need to make it so easy by telling us how many nuclear power plants there are in NJ, where they are and how lacking security is at these places? I mean I know that if you want something bad enough you can find a way to do it but does our own media have to help the bad guys along? I don't think so.

Better yet, I read an article about air marshalls where this unidentified air marshall went on to tell all the things he worries about when being on a plane, and the author of the article went on to describe how he could tell who was an air marshall on his flight and how (i.e. air marshalls are pulled to the side at check-in, etc). Hello. I'm an average joe and when I go on a plane, I just look for shady characters and who to keep my eye on, but I'm not scoping out every action by every person. Now with this information out there, I'll know exactly what to look for. Again, if someone wants to take over a plane, they will but does the media have to help them along by doing their research for them?
I definitley agree that in North America the government(s) and the media love to generate fear to try to scare people with terrorism in general. A lot of governments would love a populace that's willing to give up their civil rights out of fear.
the nuclear place near where I grew up has been in textbooks for a very long time. they recently took down a tower near portland, people afraid of nuclear power and all.

media definitely likes to scare people into crap. hate listening to the news, or watching it. especially portlands news.
LouieFatterson said:
Nutjobs to be sure, but to me it seems like another oppurtunity to scare the shit out of the population. TERROR! TERROR! TERROR! These guys "pledge their allegiance" to Al Queda much in the same way a group of white kids would call themselves Crips.

My thoughts too.

If you want to be someone in the islamic terrorist-world you claim to be a part of the al-Queida network.
manthatfollowshell said:
hmmm, looks like the "illegal" wire tappng crazy liberals are crying about is working.

TRy reading about the case first. They were informed on. It wasn't because of crazy liberals hating wire tapping. You want to know why this country is doomed? Because, instead of thinking we are all Americans in this together, all fanatics like you can think about is "you damn liberals."
There's tons of nuclear power plants around the Chicago Metro area. We used to fish in the cooling lakes as a kid. Now, they won't let you get near those lakes. (Not that you want to, since the news just said the plant in Zion was leaking Tritium).
manthatfollowshell said:
hmmm, looks like the "illegal" wire tappng crazy liberals are crying about is working.

Amen brother... It's not like they are trying to listen to people having phone sex.. They are trying to save our fucking lives..
tomass74 said:
Amen brother... It's not like they are trying to listen to people having phone sex.. They are trying to save our fucking lives..

You sound naive. Research the methods of dictators. They want to see all, hear all, and know all.
This wiretapping ordeal is another step away from privacy and freedom. It gives those in power,... well...
more power. At the same time, it gives you, the average citizen, less power over your own freedom.
Only a fool would trust the govt. with total survelience powers. I know that peolple like to feel secure (suburban soccer mommies come to mind),...
but to give up your right to privacy, in order to protect yourself from the big, bad wolf is absurd. It also proves that you are a pussy.

Don't believe the hype, think for yourself, and do not let the Big Brother government tell you what to think.
eighteeschick said:
One thing I hate about the media (ok, there is a lot but I'll try to stay on track here). I live in NJ and there are a lot of nuclear power plants here, or so I found out on the news. I'm sure that if I really, really wanted to find out where these places are, I could do it. But does the media really need to make it so easy by telling us how many nuclear power plants there are in NJ, where they are and how lacking security is at these places? I mean I know that if you want something bad enough you can find a way to do it but does our own media have to help the bad guys along? I don't think so.

Better yet, I read an article about air marshalls where this unidentified air marshall went on to tell all the things he worries about when being on a plane, and the author of the article went on to describe how he could tell who was an air marshall on his flight and how (i.e. air marshalls are pulled to the side at check-in, etc). Hello. I'm an average joe and when I go on a plane, I just look for shady characters and who to keep my eye on, but I'm not scoping out every action by every person. Now with this information out there, I'll know exactly what to look for. Again, if someone wants to take over a plane, they will but does the media have to help them along by doing their research for them?

The media's job is to be skeptical of the government, and to report their news to "We, the People". They research the the government's comings and goings, and report it to all of the Average Joes in this country, who do not have the time to research it for themselves. In a way, the media is another column of checks and balances, to make sure the nation doesn't become a police state. We should be glad that the U.S.A. has an independent media that is free from Govt. control, otherwise this country would surely, be under control by a totalitarian dictatorship by this time. Communist China, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union, all had restricted their media outlets to report what the government forced them to report. Although I criticize the media for being over-sensational.... I appreciate the fact that they exist, and do what they do, because in a democratic,society, "We the People" are entitled...better yet... It's our duty to know exactly what the government is, or is not doing.
strik9 said:
I definitley agree that in North America the government(s) and the media love to generate fear to try to scare people with terrorism in general. A lot of governments would love a populace that's willing to give up their civil rights out of fear.

Sensationalism sells, baby!!! And America loves sensationalism.
Dr.TEETH said:
You sound naive. Research the methods of dictators. They want to see all, hear all, and know all.
This wiretapping ordeal is another step away from privacy and freedom. It gives those in power,... well...
more power. At the same time, it gives you, the average citizen, less power over your own freedom.
Only a fool would trust the govt. with total survelience powers. I know that peolple like to feel secure (suburban soccer mommies come to mind),...
but to give up your right to privacy, in order to protect yourself from the big, bad wolf is absurd. It also proves that you are a pussy.

Don't believe the hype, think for yourself, and do not let the Big Brother government tell you what to think.

Yeah ok, douchebag..... First of all I am not a pussy homo. And secong of all I do think for myself and as long as these fucking Muslim Extremists are running around my country wanting to kill us, I don't give a shit what the government has to do stop them. I sure as hell wish peope were invading the privacy of those fuckers that blew up the towers..
Dr.TEETH said:
The media's job is to be skeptical of the government, and to report their news to "We, the People". They research the the government's comings and goings, and report it to all of the Average Joes in this country, who do not have the time to research it for themselves. In a way, the media is another column of checks and balances, to make sure the nation doesn't become a police state. We should be glad that the U.S.A. has an independent media that is free from Govt. control, otherwise this country would surely, be under control by a totalitarian dictatorship by this time. Communist China, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union, all had restricted their media outlets to report what the government forced them to report. Although I criticize the media for being over-sensational.... I appreciate the fact that they exist, and do what they do, because in a democratic,society, "We the People" are entitled...better yet... It's our duty to know exactly what the government is, or is not doing.

It is a fact that the media is domintaed by liberals. They twist and deliver the news how they want it seen...
tomass74 said:
It is a fact that the media is domintaed by liberals. They twist and deliver the news how they want it seen...

Gee, you too are why this country is doomed. Once again, the plot against the Sears Tower wasn't uncovered through the NSA program on wiring tapping. But hey I guess facts don't matter. Just blame the liberals and everything will be ok.