7 men arrested in bomb plot

Dr.TEETH said:
Although I criticize the media for being over-sensational.... I appreciate the fact that they exist, and do what they do, because in a democratic,society, "We the People" are entitled...better yet... It's our duty to know exactly what the government is, or is not doing.

Amen. The interesting stuff that matters is mixed with tabloid horseshit. The most shocking things you wont find in the celebrity section. But as a customer I can chose what part of a newspaper or website to read. Howerver I do think most papers and have a too high percentage of gossip in them.

I´m sorry to say this but I think the majority of higher politicians and leaders in the business world wants us to think about politics as something boring that we should not care about so they can do what they want without questions asked.
tomass74 said:
It is a fact that the media is domintaed by liberals. They twist and deliver the news how they want it seen...
There's a solution. Stop whining, and create an alternative paper (radio station, TV channel), where you and fellow conservative radicals will be able to express themselves and bring the word of truth to the masses. Or, at least, try letters to the ones existing, expressing your opinion.
"O, holly shit, pussy liberals took all the media!" Yeah, and fucking conservatives got all the churches (synagogs, mosques, etc.)...:Puke:
These arrests are only so George can say, "See, I CAN catch the bad guys before they blow up our shit and kill thousands"
Even though they really didn't catch them doing anything, those dudes will probably spend the rest of their lives in jail.
tomass74 said:
It is a fact that the media is domintaed by liberals. They twist and deliver the news how they want it seen...

I know, just a few weeks ago I was thinking the same thing as they were reporting about Rush Limbaugh being arrested for illegal perscription fishing. What a crock, they spent the whole time slamming him when they should have been reporting on the dam liberal justice system that let him back in the street within hours.