7" Vinyl?

13 Fingers

Nov 24, 2002
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hey i'm new here. not new to opeth though. anyway, i just wondered if anyone has any information on this 7" that's supposed to be coming out? know where it will be avaliable and when? thanx!
Welcome aboard...I can't help you with info on the vinyl as I haven't really payed attention to news of it. I assume you've checked www.opeth.com though?

I mainly wanted to compliment you on your name and ask if its origin is from the Acid Bath song of the same name. So, is it? :)
hey there. :wave: yeah i check the main site.

hehe and yes acid bath fucking rock! i don't know many acid bath fans as i'm from the uk...a friend in seattle got me in to them.... Dax is god!:D
I know this has nothing to do with the 7", but do you know if "Delieverance" has been released on vinyl? If not, do you know if it will be and the same thing goes for "Damnation"...?