70,000 Tons of Bodom


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
Children of Bodom just got announced to play on the 70,000 tons of metal cruise this january that I'm going on.


Yeah my friends went last year, the first year they did the cruise. They talked it up so much that I didn't hesitate to get my ticket for this year's. I was kind of worried as they were releasing the bands that Id be a little disappointing (IMO the lineup so far isn't nearly as good as the first year) but I had a funny feeling that Bodom might hop on this.

I've never been on a cruise before, should be a riot! Now I just hope like symphony x or something else super up my alley will be announced!
It's gonna be my first time too.
Flying over all the way from Europe.
I have some friends that went as well last year, and it just looks too cool not to go to!

So my friend and I decided "the hell.. why not, just lets do this!" And we booked a cabin and booked a flight :)

I hope they will confirm some more fucking brutal death metal and some more real black metal bands :D
godddamnnit i heard about this year and didn't think it was real lol. I would totally go on this if i could scrounge up like 2700$ usd
black metal is too kvlt to play on a cruise. And yeah sucks that the only spots left are so expensive, I got mine back in like April when they were like 900 a person after fees and all that
still, cruise + music which is less lame than the usual your-grandparent-kind-of-thing= massive cruising improvement
At first I thought this is a joke. Never heard of 70k of metal. 40 bands and 2000 headbangers for 5 days on a boat in the Caribbean?!? Geiler scheiß!

Yea this is only the second year they have done it and there wasnt alot of advertisement/promotion for the first year even though it did pretty well I think.

The website is kind of shitty/amateur for something with this big of a budget lol When I first heard about it a year ago I honestly thought it was going to flop and just get cancelled, but my friends went and said it was beyond awesome. So as soon as spots opened up we booked for this year. Its kind of expensive but we got the cheapest rooms and got it split up into 4 monthly payments so it wasn't that bad. Still have to book a flight down to Florida though :/

There's still 12 bands left to be announced. They better be fucking epic! Lineup isnt as good IMO this year so far. Hope their some more good melodic death bands or heavy metal bands! Half the bands announced so far are fucking washed up nobody bands, might as well got my band to play it lol
It's not thát big budget. (Most) bands don't even get any money.
They only get a cabin and their flight paid :)

I didn't get the cheapest cabin, but well, the 4 month payment worked ok. We found a very cheap flight. And some nice hotels to spend the days before and after the cruise :)

Now I only should be carefull with not drinking too much cocktails on board...... :p
Oh yah, watch out for the booze. I bet they charge for water on board.

Hey, do they inspect luggage? 'cuz you really just need maybe a couple of swimsuits and some shirts maybe something to wear if you are going on land. you could fill most of your suitcase with booze. or water. you know water water everywhere but not a drop of water to spare. unless you want to rehydrate when you take your shower (like anyone is gonna be doing that- ship full of big stinky long haired guys)

what exactly is the shower situation on board this thing?

do you suppose that might be why it's called 70000 tons of (sic)?

do you have to pay extra to use the hot tub? and do people pee in the pool or do they use that chemical that makes it green or blue if you pee in the pool? huge oversight if they don't- all that drinking you know

don't forget your dramamine or your sea legs if you have those

and oh yeah, what do they do with all the waste water from the restrooms? can someone assure me it will not end up in the ocean? or the pool?

should be nice and warm without being too hot. Close to the equator and all. Even here it tends to get up to 70 sometimes in January.

hope you don't plan on getting much sleep. make sure you are well rested before the ship embarks. I read that people can do 24.65 hours without sleep.

how is the coffee on board? is that free or should bring instant coffee?

is the booze included with the cabin fee? I am told that on cruises this is usually the case. You have to pay for non-alcoholic drinks tho. And what is the dining sitch?

and is there a doctor on board? if i drink too much can i get iv fluids or do i have to just deal with it?

and what about smoking? if you bring pot is there someplace you can go where people won't be trying to smoke up all your weed?

is there gonna be a merchandise table for the band?

and is there anything to do on land aside from shopping and sight seeing? seems like most people on this cruise would opt not to disembark just to get some sleep. for example, I would like to find a secluded area to relax. you know like an empty beach or a nice little wooded area. of course, it's bound to be quiet on board that day. but how private are the cabins really?

they should change the schedule to reflect that that day is the 'day of having sex.'

and what about hurricanes?

is there a smoke alarm in the cabin? or any kind of restrictions against candles or lamps?

and do need a passport or a passport card for this? it goes into international waters right?

do they make an announcement when the ship has entered international waters so people know it's time to start getting high?

Can we make COB play when it's time for that announcement?

I'd bring a joint up on stage for them to pass around between songs. 'Cuz it's no fun knowing the band can't get high since they gotta play.