7000 Tons Cruise: Band schedule (ouch to a few bands)

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The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Let me be up front and say once again that I am in awe of what the promoters of this festival have pulled and they deserve applause.

That said, the schedule has been posted. It's fucking brutal to some bands (Sanctuary against Simone at a total sausage party? Warrel kicking ass vocally at 1130 in the morning?):




That's the most bizarre schedule I've ever seen. There is lots of overlapping between some really good bands. I didn't realize some of the bands were playing on multiple nights. It'll be interesting to see if they have different setlists each night.
Wow, the last night's scheduling... Finntroll vs. Amon Amarth vs. Nevermore, and Twilight of the Gods vs. Blackguard. Criiiiiinge.
Does anyone have any idea how in the hell Gamma Ray are supposed to play in NYC on Friday the 28th if the cruise is still going on that day?

Docked and departed by 0800 that morning. Straight to the airport. Hit traffic in NYC that afternoon. Hit the venue and soundcheck right before doors.

Wow, the last night's scheduling... Finntroll vs. Amon Amarth vs. Nevermore, and Twilight of the Gods vs. Blackguard. Criiiiiinge.

The way I see it, Nevermore is the only band that you should never ever miss under any circumstance. That being said, Amon Amarth is really fun live too. I'm over Finntroll, but I remember seeing them a long time ago (2005?) and they were not bad at all.
Docked and departed by 0800 that morning. Straight to the airport. Hit traffic in NYC that afternoon. Hit the venue and soundcheck right before doors.


:lol: :lol:

Let's hope for no issues with the trip (flight delays, etc) since I really want to see them that night...
Wow, all I can say is I am glad Gamma Ray aren't playing Chicago until later in the week!

Yeah, this seems like it would be a headache just trying to keep track of who is playing and when.
total sausage party
I have to wonder about this. Lots of folks posting on the message board are alleged women, and lots of babes posting on the facebook page. Maybe not the greatest "statistic" but I have a feeling that things may be more even than people expect. Also, lots of the folks attending appear to be in the 30-45 age group, (due to the costs of the trip) and many of them are most interested in seeing the old-school bands, I know Sanctuary has gotten way more discussion on the forums than Epica has.

Again, the forums aren't the best numbers to run by, but they must count for something. Either way, it's going to be a fucking blast! My flight leaves tomorrow morning. I'm sure there will be some pictures floating around the 'net before too long. My mates from Viathyn are bunking just down the hall from me, should be ridiculous!
I will be there will cases of 5 hr Energy...I am tired just looking at the schedule
and the need for sleep when I return home....but it's going to be fun nonetheless.

Lets boogie
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