80% finished metalcore mix. please critique + suggest for changes


Jul 30, 2011
hello guys!
here is my latest mix (i do a quick master) what changes you suggest me?
i allready know that has a lot of bass(instrument) and i will fix it with automation.also the vocals are very loud,i'll fix that...
if you where me what you'll change? :) thanks

https://www.dropbox.com/s/3on53u16ljgawvt/fof1 80%.mp3

edit: v2:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/58c492aa9f7aigl/fof1 80% v2.mp3

edit: v3:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rrily672wcpe9x2/fof1 90%.mp3

edit v4:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mawajz7tih7nle1/fof1 90% NEW.mp3
Not bad. Though the mix is pumping a bit.

I think the guitars have almost have a honky characteristic now. The ones I sent you I felt fit the mix pretty decently.
The drums don't really sound the best and I think that's where the mix is lacking the most. The kick sounds very fake and the snare doesn't cut through at all. It also has a lot of verb on it sometimes and other times it has nothing. Kinda weird.

Also the section at 1:33 sounds like everything is panned center which kinda throws things off in my opinion.
The vocals aren't too bad though. They have a bit too much verb on them though and should come down in the mix like you said or at least automated.
The exaggerated snare verb is wayyyyyy too boomy. Doesn't sit well in the mix at all and is super distracting. The whole mix sounds a bit thin and far away, this seems like it's due to the muddyness of the low end generally, which seems kinda pumpy and inconsistent. Kick sounds out of place because it's not really geling with the other elements in the mix. Snare has too much mids and a really wide unfocused low end so it eats up a lot of space but doesn't really POP.

Edit: A lot of the verbs just sounds weird, like they're too boomy or out of place. Are you high passing your verbs on stuff with low end?
Not bad. Though the mix is pumping a bit.

I think the guitars have almost have a honky characteristic now. The ones I sent you I felt fit the mix pretty decently.
The drums don't really sound the best and I think that's where the mix is lacking the most. The kick sounds very fake and the snare doesn't cut through at all. It also has a lot of verb on it sometimes and other times it has nothing. Kinda weird.

Also the section at 1:33 sounds like everything is panned center which kinda throws things off in my opinion.
The vocals aren't too bad though. They have a bit too much verb on them though and should come down in the mix like you said or at least automated.
i'll made some tweaks to kick and snare man,also in the 1.33 section you're right! also,your reamps where great but doesn't fit in the song man sorry!
track need alot of automation! i have to work a lot in the mix! thanks for suggestions
The exaggerated snare verb is wayyyyyy too boomy. Doesn't sit well in the mix at all and is super distracting. The whole mix sounds a bit thin and far away, this seems like it's due to the muddyness of the low end generally, which seems kinda pumpy and inconsistent. Kick sounds out of place because it's not really geling with the other elements in the mix. Snare has too much mids and a really wide unfocused low end so it eats up a lot of space but doesn't really POP.

Edit: A lot of the verbs just sounds weird, like they're too boomy or out of place. Are you high passing your verbs on stuff with low end?
i'll try to eq the snare more thanks for the advance!also i will change the kick!
about verb yeah i high passing everything don't know why but sounds weird :S
i think it's strange that the soloed guitar on the left (0:28-0:32)sounds more clear/present than the actual guitar track,
must be some strange frequency buildup that kills the guitars within the mix.

check the bass track i think the problem lies there.

oh btw. that midpart is so PARKWAY DRIVE omg^^
The drums just don't really sound together. The guitars still sound honky too. The snare still has WAY too much reverb.
It's a little better but I noticed the vocals are drowning everything out in the beginning. The vocals are still too loud. The kick is a bit too clicky for me. Also are you purposly using that much reverb on the snare at times? Sometimes it's alright but other times it's just too much. Not really a fan of the snare tone in general.

It's definitely better than what it was. You're getting there.
yeah i am using purposly the reverb on snare :)
thanks for your comment man! i have finish the mix and final mastering,when guys upload the song i'll post it there :)