80's Heavymetal track!


Bloody vaginal belch
Oct 20, 2007
My band started to record one of our songs called "Keep It Raw" this weekend, sadly, I did the forbidden thing(Drinking coffee infront of the computer), which resulted in an really unfortunate spill into my powersuply. :cry:

We had time to record all guitars, program the drums and slap on a quick bassline, but the singing has been stalled due to me being a moron.

Anyhow, you can hear the instrumental parts on our myspace(We will put more variations on the drums)


What do you think?


I seem to have missed that its actually me playing the leadguitar.

The drums are pretty clean actuyally, but here you have what i have done to them:

Kick - EQed 2db+ at 80hz, 2db- at 400hz, 2db+ at 5khz.
Snare - Gated and reverb(Cant remember the settings, and I havent been able to fix that computer yet.)
Hightom - Panned 50% left, and reverb that is 50% left.
Middletom - Centre, reverb.
Lowtom - Panned 50% right, and reverb that is 50% right. (All toms are boosted at 1khz, cant remember how much though.)
Cymbals - Almost removed 7khz(They had alot of S-sound to them), and I took a little away at 5khz to let the kicks click through abit, and highpassed them.
Drumsmaster - A very light compressor, sadly i cant remember the settings here either, but it was just a very light compression to push the kick through.

Bass was run through the clean channel of the SimulAnalog JCM900-vstplug.
Guitars = Pod XT, settings:

Amp: Solo 100
Drive: Pointing to 12o'clock
Bass: Full
Mid, Treble & Presence: 2o'clock
Stomp(Classic Dist): Drive-35%, Gain-100%, Tone-50%
Mod(Sine chorus): Speed-1.60hz, Depth-50%, Mix-18%
Delay(Digital Delay): Time-20ms, Feedback-10%, Mix-25%, Bass-50%, Treble-50%, Pre config.
Cab: 4*12 Green 20's
Mic: 421 Dynamic, 50% room.

I tracked both rythm and leadguitar twice, panned the rythm 50% left&right, the lead was panned 70% left and right.
I cut about 3 db @ 400hz on the rythm guitar to let the leadguitar out more, and boosted 3khz on both guitars with about 1db.
The sologuitar was basically just the same as the leadguitar but with reverb on it, and i think i boosted it at 400hz(or 300hz) to make it more like the 80's leadtone.

And i really didnt do much in the masterchannel, I remember boosting 1khz and 3khz a little(like 0,5db), and putting a very light compression on there as well.

When I get enough cash to fix my computer il give you more exact settings.

Oh, I forgot to say that the levels where adjusted with my regular rules -> Kick & Bass @ the same volume, Snare & Guitar @ the same volume, and then I adjust the volumes so that the masterchannel peaks at 1db+.
And I actually remembered now that i used a chamber reverb on the snare, and i panned the reverb 15% to the left.

The my "secret" to get punch in the mix is to let the kick and the bassguitar battling about the low end.
And I actually remembered that I boosted the Snare at 200hz too(I will stop updating what i did now, atleast untill i can open up the mix again.)
Dude, that song made my day. The little interlude after the solo is very cool. I love the raw style of the solo as well.
Nice tune dude! Definitely some Zakk influence there mixed with early Pantera (Diamond Darrell days), and some other little touches here and there. As a lover of 80's metal, since that's what I cut my musical teeth on, nice job! But, it needs more cowbell! Sorry...had to go there LOL.
goal : to sound like 80's heavymetal

status : reached

Dude, that song made my day. The little interlude after the solo is very cool. I love the raw style of the solo as well.

Thanks guys!
Yeah, I love that interlude too. :)
And that might just be the best solo I have ever made(Atleast thats what i think.).

Nice tune dude! Definitely some Zakk influence there mixed with early Pantera (Diamond Darrell days), and some other little touches here and there. As a lover of 80's metal, since that's what I cut my musical teeth on, nice job! But, it needs more cowbell! Sorry...had to go there LOL.

That intro solothingy was 100% influenced by Zakk, and the other solo is a combination of Paul Gilbert, Van Halen, Akira Takasaki and a touch of Zakk when it comes to the righthand. :loco:

Haha, you have to talk to our drummer about that dude. :p

Its great to get this kind of response on this forum, because unlike many other forums on the net, this one actually matters. :kickass:
Ey, guys!
Updated the mix.
We polished alot of it, and varieted the drums.
Sence my computer is working again we will be recording vocals soon, not sure exactly when though.
Il give you the details of the mix another day.
Ey, guys!
Updated the mix.
We polished alot of it, and varieted the drums.
Sence my computer is working again we will be recording vocals soon, not sure exactly when though.
Il give you the details of the mix another day.

Dude, I'd love to hear it (you know me and 80's metal). Maybe it's just my Firefox acting funky, but I don't see a sound player on your myspace page now. ??
Dude, I'd love to hear it (you know me and 80's metal). Maybe it's just my Firefox acting funky, but I don't see a sound player on your myspace page now. ??

Yeah, I was just about to post about that.
It seems that myspace wants to mess with us a bit. ;D
It seems like we have to wait for the song to appear(The upload is complete though.).
Hey, it's sounding pretty good! When can we expect vocals on this? What reverb are you using on the drums? It works perfectly with that snare for this kind of stuff. Keep it up!
Hey, it's sounding pretty good! When can we expect vocals on this? What reverb are you using on the drums? It works perfectly with that snare for this kind of stuff. Keep it up!

Thanks man!
Our singer said about 2 weeks, because the booze keeps ripping his voice appart. :lol:

Il give you the complete list of what I did to the drums:

EQ -> bosted _7,5db_ 80hz, scooped -4db 400hz, boosted at 5k 7,5db with Q from 1,2k to 8k(The kicksample was eq'ed like shit.).


And on top of that I used an expander.

Toms where boosted some at 1khz, and verbed.

Cymbals where cut a little at 5khz because of alot of hissing.
Thats all folks! ;)

Vocals will probably be delayed, because the entire band are sick right now, so our singer will probably need an extra week or so too let his voice go back to normal(And my ears.).
[quote="Evil" Aidy;7604598]Sound's seriously 80's!


I just listened to it a couple of times through cranked up LOUD.[/quote]

Thanks man!
We worked really hard to get that feeling too it.
I actually spent like a week finding the perfect samples, effects and guitar/bass-sounds to get it the way it is. :loco: