80's Instrumental metal content


Mar 16, 2006
Houston, TX
So open a new thread and bring it on! Standing by to stand by.

Okey doke...here's the last piece I've had time to work on. I've already showed it to a few people around here. The name says it all. It was never intended to be a song, just a clip to try out different guitar sounds, and this is what came out. A very Lynchy-Satriani-MacAlpine-ish sort of thing (just no where near as good! :) ) I guess I should finish it, but I really want to concentrate on my heavier, mini-concept album first (I've posted one of the intro instrumentals here before. Download it here if interested). But I've barely even had time to get back to that, let alone all the 80's metal stuff I want to work on.
Wolf! this rocks! very loud mix as well, i like that.

God, i love that 80's sound, nice solo btw, clip is too short though. this NEEDS a 80's singer on top of it.. where can i start a petition to get the 80's back?
LOL Thanks Bob! I love modern metal too, but it's good to go back home sometimes. :) Here in Houston there's a rock the bayou festival going on this weekend with a lot of great 80's rock/metal bands. http://www.rockthebayou.com/lineup.html Too bad it's so freakin' hot and humid!

Edit: Oh, by the way, if "nice solo" refers to the short 80's clip...that's me (struggling)...thanks! If you mean the outro solo on the heavier Dream Theater riff based song...that's Dimitar Nalbantov of Bulgaria. He sometimes posts here under Blackbird.
LOL Thanks Bob! I love modern metal too, but it's good to go back home sometimes. :) Here in Houston there's a rock the bayou festival going on this weekend with a lot of great 80's rock/metal bands. http://www.rockthebayou.com/lineup.html Too bad it's so freakin' hot and humid!

Edit: Oh, by the way, if "nice solo" refers to the short 80's clip...that's me (struggling)...thanks! If you mean the outro solo on the heavier Dream Theater riff based song...that's Dimitar Nalbantov of Bulgaria. He sometimes posts here under Blackbird.

I meant the 80's clip wolf...
Thanks! If there was just more time in a day. Where can I start a petition to have more hours added to the day? :)

I know the feeling. Anyway keep us posted when you get more of your project finished, and you can go to my site (in my signature) and check out a cover song cd I put out about 3 or 4 years ago with songs by Scorps, Armored Saint, UFO, etc. plus one original. There is a player on there to stream it from. It should take you back to the good old days.
I know the feeling. Anyway keep us posted when you get more of your project finished, and you can go to my site (in my signature) and check out a cover song cd I put out about 3 or 4 years ago with songs by Scorps, Armored Saint, UFO, etc. plus one original. There is a player on there to stream it from. It should take you back to the good old days.

Will do! (to all of it)
I know the feeling. Anyway keep us posted when you get more of your project finished, and you can go to my site (in my signature) and check out a cover song cd I put out about 3 or 4 years ago with songs by Scorps, Armored Saint, UFO, etc. plus one original. There is a player on there to stream it from. It should take you back to the good old days.

Hey, great music! My only complaint is your Helloween selection...you don't go back far enough in their catalog. :)
Thanks Marcus! I'll get back to it...eventually. Just have to finish up some other stuff first...then at least get SOME tracks laid down for my concept project (which I'll probably be hitting you up for a guitar solo :) )