80's music.


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL

I've been on a 80's music kick for about a week now and it's brought up a question.

The drums, the beat, the pattern. Does it have a name? It's the snr that drives it. Does anyone use this anymore?
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Could be but I'm talking about the feel/lack there of or "swing". It feels like the snare hits a sec late. I don't know how to explain it.

I'm also wondering if it has a name. For example a "swing beat".
Well, IIRC, the Linndrum was famous for that "feel". Apparently, Roger Linn sampled the sounds "wrong" and that there's small delay between the start of the sample and the start of the sound itself. But I have no idea if this is the case or what else is going on. Just a little trivia! :D
Well, IIRC, the Linndrum was famous for that "feel". Apparently, Roger Linn sampled the sounds "wrong" and that there's small delay between the start of the sample and the start of the sound itself. But I have no idea if this is the case or what else is going on. Just a little trivia! :D

Now that's some good info, thanks. :kickass:

I'll have to look into this.

Also, 80's music rules!
I dont know the name of it.. but its basically all about putting the snare slightly after where the beat should be.
And if someone does it anymore? Well... i do, and Giant does! ;)
I love some cheesy music of the 80's. 80's rule bitches!lol

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