9/11 Myths


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2009

Check it out! Conspiracy theories tend to be wrong and counterproductive.


There's a two-hour seminar by architect Richard Gage. He has founded a group consisting of architects, physicists and engineers who believe that it would be unlikely for one building to fall the way it did, let alone three. It's a long watch, but it's basically just a seminar given at Manitoba U. If you need high production values to retain your attention then you may become bored.

Note: Before criticizing me, realise firstly that I am not presenting this as fact. Secondly, if you write something along the lines of, "I watched the first ten-minutes and got bored lol, BUT" anything you say will be ignored.
The truth is we allowed middle easterners to enter our country... 1st mistake. Then a group of them took command of jumbo jets and crashed them into buildings full of jet fuel. Two of the buildings were called "World Trade Centers"... key words, "World Trade". It all made perfect sense within minutes of coming to terms that what happened really happened.
I am not so much concerned about the mechanics of the operation as I am concerned about who benefited (Israel, military industrial complex, &c), and who spoke of orchestrating a so-called false flag operation (Operation Northwoods) and that they carried it out before (USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin). The current reimge has betrayed its constituents one too many ties and pursuant to the New Hampshire constitution as quoted, I thus call for its upheaval by any means necessary.

Whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.
The truth is we allowed middle easterners to enter our country... 1st mistake. Then a group of them took command of jumbo jets and crashed them into buildings full of jet fuel. Two of the buildings were called "World Trade Centers"... key words, "World Trade". It all made perfect sense within minutes of coming to terms that what happened really happened.

2 Planes = 3 Towers. Only in America.
So where is this third tower ?

Xcommunicated, there is alot of stuff on those links and Im not seeing this seminar your talking about. Not sure why you linked the entire site rather than the particular your talking about.
So peeps think the pilots on the planes were... CIA... plants ?
Whats one of those jets weigh ?
What speed were they flying at ?
How many gallons of jet fuel did they pour down the elevator shafts ?
What happened when the fuel ignited ?

Myself I found it interesting that the jets in part didnt fly right out the other side which tells me the shock from the impact must have been pretty severe. Then compounded by the eventual explosion of the fuel.

This third building I wouldnt venture on until I saw the ground plan and relationship of the buildings themselves.

The BBC doing a broadcast with a footage background from prior to what they were reporting would be nothing out of the ordinary for any media source. Doesnt phase me a bit that the building was standing in their backdrop and humorous that someone would think... if their was a conspiracy... that the BBC was in on it too.

Not even close.
I believe that 9/11 event was made by secret society, people who are behind other events in this world, War,economic crisis and so on. Plus, the 9/11 wasn't an attack on USA but on the whole world economy source ! it's called " World" trade center not america trade center ! the whole thing was set up by secret society, people who have power (Money) and God knows what happened behind the scenes with Oussama Ben Laden (a business man, so there is "money" here i think between him and them ) !
And it's really weird that how USA failed to catch OBL !!!
Yeah, that's just brilliant. I can see you have given this a great deal of thought. The attack happened in America, to innocent Americans. We won't discuss the people who were killed on that day, but, think about how many were and still are affected by these murders. It may have been an effort to upset the "World economy" but you mention nothing of the hatred that the misguided Muslim world harbors against America and it's people. These murdering fucks have twisted their Muslim religion to convince their own followers, that killing innocent people is justifiable and an accepted behaviour. There's no "Secret Society" These are animals who practice extreme terrorism. I wonder if a family member or friend of yours had been killed that day. Would you still feel as you do now?
i would recommend watching the movie Fabled Enemies.its less about the argument of how the towers fell and more about the foreign and domestic intelligence ties to 9/11(ie hijackers being trained at US military bases, Pakistan's ISI chief wiring money to Atta, Mossad having prior knowledge of the attacks, etc).

edit: google link to the movie

I believe that 9/11 event was made by secret society, people who are behind other events in this world, War,economic crisis and so on. Plus, the 9/11 wasn't an attack on USA but on the whole world economy source ! it's called " World" trade center not america trade center ! the whole thing was set up by secret society, people who have power (Money) and God knows what happened behind the scenes with Oussama Ben Laden (a business man, so there is "money" here i think between him and them ) !
And it's really weird that how USA failed to catch OBL !!!

there was alot of insider trading in the stock market leading up to 9/11, mainly on the airline stock.these "secret societies" are not so secret anymore.Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, etc.as for Osama, he hasn't been caught because he is most likely dead.a lot of people in the intelligence services have stated that they believe he died in December of 2001.
Read some shit google: Mohammed Atta Airman's Flight School

Airman's Flight School is in Norman, Oklahoma only a short drive from the Murrah Federal Building that was supposedly blown up by Timothy McVie.

"THEY" say Atta was at Airmen's in 2000. Mohammed Atta was at Airman's as early as 1999 as an organized unit with his followers. Atta was also seen at an Oklahoma City bar after Sept 11 2001!



Some amazing 9-11 photos from RCFP Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (scroll down)

Now... does this mean the terrorists that were hyjacking planes in the late 60's early 70's were paid by the "secret society" or that terrorists/extremists gave up and have since become gumbies, no longer interesting in blowing things up and wreaking havoc randomly on civilian populations ?

Hmmmm ?

Another thing that has always baffeled me. Take the US, we have extremists, be they people like myself who bitch like hell and do nothing else, or yer various cults, to even your street gangs, bike gangs, ect. We have all these things, but for the most part we keep them somewhat under control, they certainly arent terrorizing other coutries or going out of thier way to make our own government a mess (does well on its own... naturally) We know whos who in our world of trouble makers.

Now take the chaotic middle eastern countries. They have governmental problems resembling those of 100 years ago. They have all these extremists killing thier own and wreaking this havoc with their government... yet they cant control it, have "no idea who the problem is", cant identify anybody and proclaim to want to get with the program and get on with a more happy life. Lets face it way to many people from the middle east have anger managment issues.

So my question is, how can we possible sit back with eyes wide open and say... they arent the problem... we are... us and our secret society did all of this? Sorry younger people, I've been watching these holy wars since the late 60's on the news and Im friggin sick and tired of these people and their retarded drama that they will not make their own damn stance against.
Yeah, that's just brilliant. I can see you have given this a great deal of thought. The attack happened in America, to innocent Americans. We won't discuss the people who were killed on that day, but, think about how many were and still are affected by these murders. It may have been an effort to upset the "World economy" but you mention nothing of the hatred that the misguided Muslim world harbors against America and it's people. These murdering fucks have twisted their Muslim religion to convince their own followers, that killing innocent people is justifiable and an accepted behaviour. There's no "Secret Society" These are animals who practice extreme terrorism. I wonder if a family member or friend of yours had been killed that day. Would you still feel as you do now?

hey bro easy !! what? you think i support such event??? not even close !
and yeah that's correct, some assholes use Islam as purpes to kill,yet, killing innocent in Islam is considered as a big sin !!!!!!!
and you better do your homework about secret societies in the USA controlling the whole world !
You write on Opeth forum sometimes don't you? i put some links in Opeth Sub forum about such stuff !!
I'm soo sorry for you in case any of your relatives got effected ! I'm not gloating or anything but now you have an idea of what people in Iraq feel. Shame on "leaders"
which poor people of Iraq are we supposed to feel sorry for now ? Those tortured and killed by Sadam ? Those blown up by their own kind ? Or those that were casualities of a war they started ? If their population is suffering we have a bunch here that could easily relocate
hey bro easy !! what? you think i support such event??? not even close !
and yeah that's correct, some assholes use Islam as purpes to kill,yet, killing innocent in Islam is considered as a big sin !!!!!!!
and you better do your homework about secret societies in the USA controlling the whole world !
You write on Opeth forum sometimes don't you? i put some links in Opeth Sub forum about such stuff !!
I'm soo sorry for you in case any of your relatives got effected ! I'm not gloating or anything but now you have an idea of what people in Iraq feel. Shame on "leaders"

I never said you "supported such event" I was referring to your line of thought, as being incorrect. I really don't agree with your assessment of "secret societies." that was the focus of my post to you. And yes, I do post on the Opeth forum, but that may soon change.:lol: I also didn't assume you were "gloating." You seem like a good person,man although somewhat misguided in your theories. I appreciate your thoughts on losing someone close on that dreadful day. I did lose an awesome friend, who left behind a young wife and 2 small children. I don't understand your comment,"but now you have an idea of what people in Iraq feel." It's totally irrelevant.I am an American. And I love my country, with all it's faults and abhorrent things it can/has done. I would'nt want to live any where else. Well, maybe Holland, you know, for the coffee/hash bars.:kickass: Seriously,whoever you believe is responsible doesn't change anything. People are still dead, and our young children will never see their mother/father/aunt/uncle again. The Muslim people talk about how their hated and discriminated against by Americans. They have no further to look except their own fucked up leaders for where that hatred was spawned. Peace, man.
hey bro easy !! what? you think i support such event??? not even close !
and yeah that's correct, some assholes use Islam as purpes to kill,yet, killing innocent in Islam is considered as a big sin !!!!!!!
and you better do your homework about secret societies in the USA controlling the whole world !
You write on Opeth forum sometimes don't you? i put some links in Opeth Sub forum about such stuff !!
I'm soo sorry for you in case any of your relatives got effected ! I'm not gloating or anything but now you have an idea of what people in Iraq feel. Shame on "leaders"

You're basing your opinion on THEORIES to which there is little to no evidence and most importantly, no proof whatsoever.
Also, if there's one thing that everybody should learn about religion, is that people tend to distort the values of such religion or rape (for lack of a better word) written texts such as the bible to justify their actions.
For instance, in the book of exodus, it says that if a man charges at you looking for blood, you can strike him down and your actions are justified in God's eyes.

Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda declared Jihad on America, the western world, and Israel, not their respective governments. After all, governments in the western world are chosen and swayed by the people of their nation. Hence Islamo-fascists do not differentiate between soldiers and civilians, because none of us are innocent in their eyes, because we let our governments run amok.

As for the seminar thing I will say this:
Has a building the size of either WTC tower EVER collapsed in the world? I can't think of any instance, which is why I take into question the word of these architects, physicists and engineers when they say that it is UNLIKELY any of the buildings would have collapsed the way they did.

Not to mention the manpower it would take to set up such an operation, and the reasons for doing so are a little sketchy. One might mention Iraq as a reason for setting up such a conspiracy, but wouldn't the government have used Iraqi terrorists instead of Saudis and Afghans? Or would the government had at least made a damn good fabrication about Saddam financing al Qaeda and Muslim Extremist groups?
I never said you "supported such event" I was referring to your line of thought, as being incorrect. I really don't agree with your assessment of "secret societies." that was the focus of my post to you. And yes, I do post on the Opeth forum, but that may soon change.:lol: I also didn't assume you were "gloating." You seem like a good person,man although somewhat misguided in your theories. I appreciate your thoughts on losing someone close on that dreadful day. I did lose an awesome friend, who left behind a young wife and 2 small children. I don't understand your comment,"but now you have an idea of what people in Iraq feel." It's totally irrelevant.I am an American. And I love my country, with all it's faults and abhorrent things it can/has done. I would'nt want to live any where else. Well, maybe Holland, you know, for the coffee/hash bars.:kickass: Seriously,whoever you believe is responsible doesn't change anything. People are still dead, and our young children will never see their mother/father/aunt/uncle again. The Muslim people talk about how their hated and discriminated against by Americans. They have no further to look except their own fucked up leaders for where that hatred was spawned. Peace, man.
I feel so sorry about your friend ! I know how it feels like to be a orphaned.Too bad.
"but now you have an idea of what people in Iraq feel." what I meant here, is both american iraqi people feel the same in such case, they are both victims of their leaders, Jihad or whoever leader's behavior doesn't justify a whole people ideas and wills, as well as americans. Jihad is a typical example, their deeds seem to display what Islam is all about, which is dead wrong ! as i said, killing people is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN (only soldiers who STARTED the fight, so here it's only self defense ) and same with the war in Iraq, it doesn't mean that ALL the american people are supporting the war, of course there are people who are against it. And why did american government interfered in Iraqi policy trying to break up Sadam dictatorship based on threatening nuclear weapons which they didn't find there. they wanted to bring peace in such place but they failed, of course there are Iraqi people who supported that, but remember that Iraq has a a lot of divided people in religion (divided sects in Islam, btw, those sects are forbidden too in Islam coz you can see what happens when any nation isn't united lol) so that place was already fucked before Sadam and the war. and wasn't the oil the purpose of going to Iraq??
you see it's a whole fucked up thing. we need a fair judgment (Opeth :p )
I don't personally have anything against American people, i can't judge a whole nation, coz each individual is different in each nation. so it's hard to judge.
and about secret societies, I knew that by watching conferences by someone called Jordan Maxwell, he is an american researcher in the occult world and secret societies, how do u explain the Washington DC street architecture that designs emblems and symbols of secret societies (Illuminati) and do you deny that Bush family belongs to Skulls and Bones which is considered as a secret society??

Peace out bro