9/11 Myths

damn I wish people would learn something about stuff before they jump on all the gossip bandwagons. "We went to Iraq for oil" "there were no weapons therefore why were we there"? Learn about what was really going on, geeze, he had all the time in the world to prove they werent working on such weapons, which he did have and did use in the past. Christ ! He was tried and executed by his own people for all the nasty crap he pulled on his own population.
damn I wish people would learn something about stuff before they jump on all the gossip bandwagons. "We went to Iraq for oil" "there were no weapons therefore why were we there"? Learn about what was really going on, geeze, he had all the time in the world to prove they werent working on such weapons, which he did have and did use in the past. Christ ! He was tried and executed by his own people for all the nasty crap he pulled on his own population.

Dude !!
I said there is a civil war within the war in Iraq !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
man !! every single Nation has the right to have Weapons !! don't you americans have weapons? of course you do, and one of the best ! and you think isn't threating for human being? or maybe if such country own such weapons become threatening becoz of lack of experience on using them???
yes, we have weapons but we have not released biological weapons on our own people or others that I can think of. Assholes that all governmental officials are those from the mideast and most southern hemisphere areas seem to have some serious anger management issues, throwing tantrums like little children and killing everyone that doesnt dance to their demands or pleasure. So we are supposed to accept these wack jobs trying to develope weapons they do not need for any other purpose than aggression? Are you going to deny the aggressive nature of people in these areas ? We have ours for deterrents and frankly the average population is not happy about the fact that we have them, we can however understand the purpose behind our strong military as the rest of the world has been hell bent on killing each other rather than growing up and accepting things like borders and basic human happiness.
yes, we have weapons but we have not released biological weapons on our own people or others that I can think of. Assholes that all governmental officials are those from the mideast and most southern hemisphere areas seem to have some serious anger management issues, throwing tantrums like little children and killing everyone that doesnt dance to their demands or pleasure. So we are supposed to accept these wack jobs trying to develope weapons they do not need for any other purpose than aggression? Are you going to deny the aggressive nature of people in these areas ? We have ours for deterrents and frankly the average population is not happy about the fact that we have them, we can however understand the purpose behind our strong military as the rest of the world has been hell bent on killing each other rather than growing up and accepting things like borders and basic human happiness.

Are you talking about Shiaa? those who celebrate by hurting themselves? it's the most stupid thing that i have ever seen, well, it's their tradition, not Islamic ritual anyway. and no, i'm not denying that those people are aggressive naturally !
Well.. as i can understand, American government believes that the war in Iraq was to free Iraqi people from Sadam dictatorship, is that correct? but look what do they got out there, only mess, they brought more misery for both Iraqi people, and American soldiers' families. am I mistaken here? Is that why Bush said that the war in Iraq was a failure and now Obama preparing to leave that place?
Alrighty then, I would like to make a suggestion. Get yourselves a nice, clear glass bong. Fill it with you know, that sticky, gooey bud, that has those red, purple and goldish hairs weaving throughout, and FIRE THAT BOWL UP!!!Now, take a few moments, and fuckin' relax. Do another hit. Now, think about this discussion in your "mellow" head space. Many good and interesting points have been mentioned. But, we Americans, and certainly those in Europe, have NOT been told the entire truth about the situation in the Middle East. Those people have been at war with each other for thousands of years. The absolute arrogance of George Bush to go in and "instill a democratic regime." To people who's culture is nothing like our own. The first Bush pushed Saddam out of Saudi Arabia. Do you people actually believe that Bush, at that specific time, did not know what Saddam had done to his own people, and that he was complete liar and scumbag dictator? He knew, the CIA new, The NSA knew they all fuck'in knew. That was in 91-93 correct? The Persian Gulf war. Desert Storm. Fast-forward to 2000. The "chip off the old block" George W. steps into the Oval office for the first time, looks at Cheney and Rumsfield and says, "I want designs to take out Saddam Hussein." Move further along, in 2003 at Bush's State of the Union address to the United States Congress and to the American people said, "Iraq, Iran and North Korea were the axis of evil in the world." He goes on, "and Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and has been willing to harbor extreme terrorists." Sweetheart, get me that bong, I need another blast---thanks. Well, our President flat-out lied to the American people and countries around the globe. In the last 6 years the evidence for taht lie has been uncovered. Do your research. Peace and up, up and away.
Funny post Bloodsword

To be honest I was a bit pissed Sr. didnt march into Bagdad and remove Saddam the first time. After we pulled out what he did to various groups in Iraq was sickening. The oil well fires were a environmental crime as well that really pissed me off..
Alrighty then, I would like to make a suggestion. Get yourselves a nice, clear glass bong. Fill it with you know, that sticky, gooey bud, that has those red, purple and goldish hairs weaving throughout, and FIRE THAT BOWL UP!!!Now, take a few moments, and fuckin' relax. Do another hit. Now, think about this discussion in your "mellow" head space. Many good and interesting points have been mentioned. But, we Americans, and certainly those in Europe, have NOT been told the entire truth about the situation in the Middle East. Those people have been at war with each other for thousands of years. The absolute arrogance of George Bush to go in and "instill a democratic regime." To people who's culture is nothing like our own. The first Bush pushed Saddam out of Saudi Arabia. Do you people actually believe that Bush, at that specific time, did not know what Saddam had done to his own people, and that he was complete liar and scumbag dictator? He knew, the CIA new, The NSA knew they all fuck'in knew. That was in 91-93 correct? The Persian Gulf war. Desert Storm. Fast-forward to 2000. The "chip off the old block" George W. steps into the Oval office for the first time, looks at Cheney and Rumsfield and says, "I want designs to take out Saddam Hussein." Move further along, in 2003 at Bush's State of the Union address to the United States Congress and to the American people said, "Iraq, Iran and North Korea were the axis of evil in the world." He goes on, "and Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and has been willing to harbor extreme terrorists." Sweetheart, get me that bong, I need another blast---thanks. Well, our President flat-out lied to the American people and countries around the globe. In the last 6 years the evidence for taht lie has been uncovered. Do your research. Peace and up, up and away.

That's part of what I wanted to say but my bad english didn't allow me :erk:
Thers no doubt Georgiepoo was hell bent thats for sure but I still consider all the reasons, events... lets say I see most of the ladder.